Chapter 1.4

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“Allah loves those who turn unto Him in repentance and He loves those who keep themselves pure.

“. . . and let them pardon and overlook. Would you not like that Allah should forgive you? And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.”

The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said:

“O people! Ask for the forgiveness of Allah and repent to Him as I ask for the forgiveness of Allah and repent to Him one hundred times a day.”


Zehna sat on the couch of living room waiting for her husband, from last two was 3 AM now and their was still no sign of him. And she can't even sleep before he comes!

The bell rang making her breath in relief! She scurried towards the door and thanked Allah several times, when noticed he wasn't drunk!

"Khana?" He didn't liked it when she questioned her, so she asked hesitantly.

Without sparing her a glance he nodded his head and went to get fresh, meanwhile she heat the food and was arranging table when he came down.

Bowing her head down she went inside the kitchen after serving him. Eagerly waiting for him to finish his food, so that she could eat his left over. She was praying that he would leave at least some food, cause she didn't had anything in last two days! His mother was adamant on finishing everything on her plate and making his father do the same, so that she won't have anything left to eat!

She wasn't allowed to eat food in her own husband's house!

Her feet barely controlled herself back as she fell down in crouching position...she couldn't even cry anymore...her tears dried long ago with her dignity...

Zehna hurriedly stood up hearing the screeching of chair, that means he finished his meal! She ran towards the table and saw what he left. Half eaten chicken and two morself of pulao...she began eating fastly as if it would disappear.

The pulao was soo tasty...after all it was made by herself, the expert of cooking! But too bad, she couldn't even get sufficient for even one forth of her stomach.

Cleaning the platform she dragged herself towards the hell itself! She didn't had any energy left to fullfill his needs anymore. The medicines he forces down her throat everyday after consuming her forcefull so that she won't bear any sign of his doings!

Can anyone be more cruel? Why don't they just take her life away? Instead of torturing each cell of her body everday? Why was world so cruel at her?

Her cheeks muffled once againn under the blanket of dark night!


"Aaaaaaaahhhhhh..." she screamed loudly and woke up with a jolt startling him in his sleep.

"Zehna?" Zamaan hurriedly came to her side and tried rubbing her hand but she flinched away shrieking again.

"Zehnaaa..." He shook her forcfully. "Its me Zamaan. You are safe here...with me. Look around, their is no one except us!" He rubbed her cheeks affectionately while she sat still sinking in the information, taking her time.

"Sweetheart? Please look at me? You are scaring me now. Please Zehna?" He asked helplessly staring in the void present clearly in her eyes.

Finally she looked at him as a tear made its way down her cheek.

Mahv-e-Hairat (Lost in Wonder)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu