Ch 30 A spectacular wedding with tears and heartbreak

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2Am -anna nalick

She loves Marcus. But his world is not for her.
She adores Henry, but love is gone.
One is danger; another too safe.
One pulls her heartstring; another cares too deep.

she has to choose one... and it's not gonna be easy.

Save one heart, break another.

Violetta POV

It was early morning and already a busy hour. We already reached the wedding venue. People are running here and there for preparation. One doing nails, another doing the dress. The little girl in their cute dresses are giggling and chasing the puppies. Nina's mom and aunties are here helping her. And me? I am taking care of the basic needs, like calming down the nerves and making her hair.

Today is the big day for Nina and Luke.

And if you wanna know, then no, I didn't tell Nina about my encounter with Natasha. Today is their day and I am not going to foreshadow it. It's not about me.

If she know that someone threaten me then she would rage a war for me. Hunt that bitch down. No matter how dangerous Natasha is, Nina won't care. She has always been like that. And I adore her for that. But, I can't ask that of her. I can't knowingly put her in danger. If my love puts everyone in danger then I can't bear to pursue it.

I still have to make a decision I know, but I don't know what to do. Follow my heart and put everyone in danger? Or follow Henry and everyone will be safe.

I was pulled away from my thought when Nina sat down beside me with her fluffy wedding dress.

"Vi!! I have been calling you for ages! Earth to Vi!"

I put all my attention to her. "I am so sorry. I was a little preoccupied with my thoughts...& dilemmas." I have a small laugh.

She gave me a sharp look. Like she understood what I was feeling.

"Mom can you give us some room?" She told her mother who was in the room fixing her veil.

"Sure sweetie." She smiled and left the room.

"We were now alone." She looked at me holding hands. "You can tell me girl."

"Tell what ? Nothing is wrong." She gave the 'do I look dumb' look, "okay fine, I am torn between Marcus and Henry,"

"I don't understand why your so confused Vi, just listen to your heart." She said in frustration.

"It's not that easy Nina, my actions will have repercussion. It's not just me. It will effect everyone. I can't take that risk."

"Vi, are you hiding something from me..?" She asked me suspicious.

I suck at lying so I just kept quite.

"I am not gonna force you to tell me but, I think I have to tell you something... Henry promise me not to say anything and it was supposed to be a surprise but, you need to know before you take a decision & it's too late." She said.

I gave her a confused look.

"He is gonna propose to you Vi.... Today."

My eye widen. "What? When?"

"I don't know... yesterday he had a talk with me about this, asking me for my blessing as I am your best friend , all high time I think. He should have proposed long before, but it's not gonna be the same when you have feelings for someone else. It won't be right to him nor for you. So you need make a decision Vi. It's not something I can help you with but you need to understand your feelings and rest doesn't matter. And for actions and repercussions... you get through it and we will too together." She hugged me.

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