Ch 6 The Chase

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Pretender - sevenn

Marcus pov

I was sitting in my study room lost in the thought of the event happened today. She did capture my attention, my interests, my heart. I had a lot of girl come and go. But I don't what is it about her I can't get it out of my head. My eyes fell on the bandage on my arm, which was wrapped with care.

There was a knock on the door. "Come in" I responded.

Vincent came in carrying the folders. "I have got the documents you wanted." He gave them to me.

He didn't leave. "Speak up Vince." I told him.

"You know i support you in your every decision Marcus. But..."

I interrupted him," but your worried if this girl is worth chasing?" I raised my eye brow.

He nodded.

"My intuitions are never wrong Vince. There is something about her which you cant ignore. Something i cant quite put my finger on it." I chuckled," you might think why a Casanova like me got smitten, but i am telling you she is different. I feel it."

He smiled at me. "I just hope you find what your looking for. After all its been a long time since Natasha." I regret hearing that name.

He left my office.

I put my focus on the documents.

Subject: Violetta Clove
Only child
Born : California, America. 1996

She just 4 years younger than me. I read rest of the details   Of her life and growing up.

Mother: Lucy Clove
Father : Perter Clove (struggling pancreatic cancer)
Education: graduate at top grade from Illions Medical university
Currently working : Mort Ford Williams hospital in Chicago.
Occupation: interim junior General surgeon.
No criminal record
Not even a parking ticket.

Its like she is wallflower on the face of the earth. Which made me worry how she will react if she knew my past. Or what kind of person i am. What dangers i harbour. She seems like the pure angel with moral scene of justice and innocence. My little tiger.

Her Instagram profile was also beautiful.

(My eye peeked interest now) relationship

Best friend: Nina Sulven
Relationship: Boyfriend Henry Lane.
(5 years)

She has a boyfriend?! I didn't liked it. Gotta take care of it.

She belongs to me from now on.

I want her.

I want to see her.

I took my jacket and went out. Before leaving i took my gear and put it in the trunk of the car. "Vincent get dressed, i am feeling like doing some bird hunting on certain someone." He smiled at me understanding what i meant. I am going to stalk My Violetta. Bird hunting was our code, when we need to stalk and get information on any subject. We say this.

Vincent got ready and hid his gun under his jacket. I want to do a recon alone but after Ian's men aiming for me last night, he didn't wanted me to go anywhere alone. Even though I could take care of myself & knew marshal arts, like judo, karrate , taekwondo and trained in military, Vincent never left my side.

I still remember the day when i met him. We both doing a covert intelligence operation in an enemy grounds. I met him when i enlisted in military 10 years ago. We became friends immediately. He was good in combat and gun operate like me. More over he had a natural talent of hacking. I was more of sniper. We always had each other's backs. More like brothers.  After our military days, we worked we work as hired assassins, spies and now my job is taking out mafias and bad guys. I build my empire slowly. I own many high rises all over the world. Plus having the upper hand in dark web made me more dangerous person. I knew all the secrets of most powerful people around the globe take it politician or government. For them i was a dangerous liability. They do want to eliminate me. But do you think i will come that easy and quietly?

I got in the car and Vincent drove off to a near by restaurant. He put a tracer on Violetta's purse, the day we met in the bar.

He parked the car away from the cafe Destiny. It was not our first time in a hideout.

Vincent set up the gear. It high tech state of the art, Audio capture. No matter how far rage we are. We can hear them clearly as long as the tracer is in place.

I looked out from my black window range rover.

She was not hard to locate. Her blazing flaming hair was capturing the attention of all the people walking on the street. She wore a beautiful yellow sundress. I was glad to see her smile and happy. Frankly was worried that she will still be shaken up with the incident of last night. But she is a tough and fierce i can see that. She was smiling giggling with her, accompanied with a tall blonde guy.

Who is he?

Another admirer of hers?

Do i need to get rid of him too?

They went inside the cafe. Vincent started the device. Now I could hear her clearly.

I put on the headphones, so did Vince.

"I can't believe there was shoot out took place at the bar where we went last night?!" Her friend said.

I was eager to hear what she had to say in reply

I was holding my breath and at last she spoke...

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