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You layed in your bed. Relaxing, Saturday mornings. It was only 10 am when you looked at your alarm clock. You must've daydreamed for a while. You were sorted under your covers. The sun caressed the room, hitting the corners, the tv, the plants and your crystals. You heard murmures of voices. You think you heard Cap and Nat talking but you really couldn't tell. You slowly got up out of bed You went over to your rack of clothes and put on an oversized (colour) hoodie. It went a bit over the shorts you put on. You stretched your hands in the air. You opened your door to the hall. The sun beamed through the hall. You entered the hall. You looked at all the different doors. Each one a different portal to an avenger. "Click!, Click!" You heard. "Click!,Click!" you heard again. "Ah shit!" You heard Peter shouted. All the noise was coming from his room. You walked over to his door. Knocked on the door and said softly, "Hi.". Peter took his eyes off his tv and looked towards you. "Hi" he said softly also. He smiled. "Watcha doing?" you asked slowly walking into Peters room. "Playing Rocket League." He said jolting his eyes back to the tv. "Wanna play?" He said handing you a controller. "Sure" you said sitting down in his bed beside him. Your things grazed off eachother. Your heart felt like it just dropped. You were so nervous but for what. You guys were friends,there shouldn't be anything weird or tension between you two. Anyway, you two smiled cringely and a game started. "So how do i move." you chuckled. "Shit, sorry." Peter paused the game. You held your controller in your two hands. Peter got closer to you. Peter placed his hands over yours. You felt yourself blush. His hands were so soft on top of yours.
"So this button here makes you drive, This here is to jump. And this here is to use your boost.That's basically it." He said still holding your hands. You looked into your eyes, He looked into your eyes. It was a couple of seconds before Peter shook it off and grabbed the controller. "Ready!" he said grinning. "Ready" you laughed. He unpaused the game. You started to move. Your cars on the tv flung up in the air, hit eachother, sped up and down the field and even scoring here and there. You noticed while playing that Peter stuck his tongue out the side of his mouth. You found it adorable, how hard he concentrated. The game ended, obviously Peter won but you didn't do to bad scoring a couple of goals. You both laughed it was fun. You were stubborn at heart and a little angry you didn't win, biting your lip while smiling. Peter noticed this. "Haha your angry you lost, ahahah you're so stubborn." Peter laughed. "No i'm not" you laughed. "Yes you are!" he laughed even louder. "No i'm not!" you laughed pushing him a little. Peter laughed even louder pushing you also. You laughed pushing him once again. Peter pushed you. You grinned pushing Peter again. Peter went for you he grabbed your wrists. He was surprisingly strong, you were a bit shook by it. He pinned you against the bed. He was now on top of you. You both laughing hysterically. The laughing faded. Now your were face to face. Your eyes were connected. His eyes glistened in the sun. His hands around your wrists made you weak. His curly, fluffy, brown hair fell into his face nearly touching you. You felt his hot breath, hitting off your face. You felt liek you couldn't move, like, Peter had just took all of your will and took it away, he was controlling you. You looked at his eyes and then to his lips. Suddenly, a loud A.I voice spoke "Mr.Parker,Mr.Sta-" Peter jumped off of you. You got up, rubbing your forehead. "-rk is awaiting you in his lab." Peter looked a bit shook, maybe a bit panicked. "Um.....got to go." he said not even looking at you until he walked out of the room. As he turned the corner. You shoved your hands into your face hitting yourself over and over. "UGHHHHHHHHHHHH" you moaned.

A few hours past. You just moped around the HQ, overthinking everything. You ate dinner with Nat. just talking and you also gathered supplies for school, you were starting on Monday. Eventually you found yourself at the roof of HQ looking out at the stars. Small tears ran down your face as you looked on, thinking you ruined the best thing that ever happened to you. You suddenly got one of those painful headaches again. You moaned. You revealed the infinity stone on your forehead. You controlled your energy back into the stone to calm it down. Just as you calmed it down you saw something fling past your eyeline. Your head joulted up. You looked to your side. It was Spider-man.

You rolled your eyes. "Hi" Spider-man said in a forcefully deep voice. "Hi" you said wiping the tears off your face. "You ok?"
he asked. "Fine." you s said emotionlessly. "You sure." he asked. You looked towards him and nodded. The Spider-man slowly crawled over and sat beside you on the roof. He gave off a familiar aura, but you didn't know what. "Ye know i'm not an expert, but something is wrong." He spoke. You rolled your eyes. "I guess i'm just tired." You said looking at him. "There's something else." he said while standing up. "Listen,Buddy, i don't know you, i don't know who's behind that mask. I don't have to talk OR listen to you." you said sternly. His eyes lenses widened. "Gee, sorry for being trying to be helpful" He said before swinging off. "Wait" you shouted but he was gone. "Shit" You said before crying into your hands. Tears rolling down your face, falling through your hands and into the roof deck. All of the feelings you stuck inside of you all came out. You felt so lost here at HQ, you didn't know how you were gonna be able to handle school.You were breaking down. You stared hyperventilating. You couldn't breath.  You recaught your breath.  Tears rolling down your eyes. You suddenly heard footsteps behind. You quickly tried to wipe the tears off. Turning behind you seeing him. Peter. "You alright?" he said before sitting down beside you. You nodded your head still crying. Peter didn't know how to comfort you. "It's just a lot ye know." you sobbed.he nodded. "i'm always here." His voice calmed you down. He patted his shoulder closest to you. You sniggered and plopped your head on his shoulder. His scent relived you."ye know cry right?" he said. You then and there burst into tears. "This is embarrassing, i'm sorry." you said. He laughed and put his head on top of your head. You both looking out at the stars. You eventually  calmed down. You took your head form his shoulder and looked at him. He looked at you. Again you were mesmerised by the brown eyes connected to yours. "Thanks" you said. He smiled. His smile melted your heart. "Come on, it's cold." You both went back into HQ. "Sorry Peter, thanks but i am wrecked, imma head to bed, thansk again." you said he winked. You just wanted to kiss him. That's all you wanted. He was so nice to you. "Goodnight" he said. "Goodnight Pete." you said before crashing into your bed and passing out because off all the crying and emotions that went through you.

 Him | (Peter Parker x male reader x Avengers)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя