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A/N: I'm back back back again. I'm so sorry i was gone so long. I juts forget about this story and then i remeber and wright about 2000 words and then forget about it again. Now i scrapped the party thing in the last chapter it wasn't going anywhere for me. So were now at Infinty war, i'm not getting the Civil war part in , it just isn't in this story, so if there is some liek confusion about some stuff just shrug it off, for example, Bruce has been on sakarr much shorter and just say he went to asgard with thor something happened and now he can't turn into hulk. :) so sorry again x.

You stood their with Peter in your arm's. "What  am i doing?" you said to yourself. "Pete let's not go to the party" you said. Peter tilted his head confused. "Let's just go to school." you said. You really didn't want to go the party. Peter didn't want to go and it would be awkward. Yo both got ready for school.

[Time skip] ~ 3 weeks
During this time you and Peter were still going fine nothing out of the ordinary happened.
Thor went to Asgard and Bruce went away for some time.

"You remember that we have that biology trip today?" Peter told you. "Shit." you said. You completely forgot. "Do we have to go, i hâte science stuff." you moaned. "Yes, cause we'll have a report on it." he replied . "UGhhhhhhh" you moaned again. "Y/n, em.....bring your suit."Peter told you. "Why" you asked. "What if something happens when we're away." He said. He had a point but you weren't sure. "Sure ok." you said packing your suit. You then scrounged for the stuff you needed you then quickly left your room. "Y/n!" Cap said. "Yeah" you replied. "Do you want a lift up?" he asked. "Uhhh no we're gonna get the train thanks." you said. You and Peter then left HQ, you didn't know that this would be the last time you will see Cap for a while....

You made it to school and met with Mj. "Hey M, me and Peter aren't gonna go to Edvins. Too much stress you get me?" Mj didn't respond which actually meant she agreed with you. First class was chemistry and your biology trip was after. The chemistry class prolonged. It felt like hours although really only one hour. Walking to the courtyard, you met your biology teacher. He brought you all to the bus. You and Peter sat near the back of the bus together and Peter didn't hesitate to fall asleep. The trip was about 4 hours on the road. You looked at Peter now already drifting into sleep, envious that he could fall asleep that quickly. Ned sat in front of you and also tried to get some sleep. You knew you wouldn't be able to sleep so you put in your headphones and closed your eyes to attempt some peace. As you left the school and made it deeper into the city to try and leave the traffic became deeper and heavier and you realised this trip is gonna be longer than 4 hours just to get out of the city let alone to the the actual destination. Almost an hour had passed and you were just making it out of the city. You had your eyes closed listening to light music, you just wanted peace. You weren't gonna get that though, why would you. You foley Peter quickly move up and could feel his moving beside you. He quickly nudged you to get you up but you were so tired you kept your eyes closed and Peter nudged you harder. "What!" you said annoyed. He pointed outside as he tried to wake up Ned. Your jaw dropped as you saw a huge circle shaped spaceship hovering over the city. The next thing you hear is Ned saying "We're all gonna die!" as everyone in the bus goes to the window to see what is going on. Peter than grabs you and tells you to jump on out the window and he's now spider-man swinging into the city. You tried to get your suit quickly and teleported into the sky and started flying into the city following Peter. You still were trying to get the hang of flying and you were running behind Peter. As you kept flying you saw below Peter fighting a weird bulky alien monster. The next thing that's happens is you feel liek your being dragged down by gravity. You then see a weird floating anlien man with his arms crossed behind his back watching you. As the force pulling you down stopped you felt someoen grab you. It was Tony in the IronMan suit. He quickly grabbed you and brought you to the ground. "Kid, go help Peter, i'll take this guy." He said and then quickly flew off. You quickly ran to the park where you saw Peter swinging around this big alien guy. You sent a few aura blasts at the alien and tried to make some damage to them. "PETE WHO ARE THESE GUYS." You screamed. "I DONT KNOW, MR. STARK JUST SAID TO TAKE THEM DOWN." he screamed.! You both kept trying to hurt the alien, Peter kept webbing him and making punches. You tried yo hurt him with your powers but it didn't seem like the alien was getting hurt. You both kept trying to take down the alien and then suddenly a man appeared through an orange spiralling portal similarly to when Dr. Strange appeared to you. He was with Bruce. He then created a portal around the alien and closed it as they fell in and his arm was cut off. You tried to get your breath bring yourself to teh ground. "Hi Bruce." you said out of breath. Bruce smiled. "This is Wong. Wong, Wiccan and Spider-man." You smiled. Wong nodded. "Y/n come on!" Peter said and grabbed your hand and swung the two of you over to Tony. Tony and a man with the same powers as Wong was beside him. As you and Peter swept down beside them, You realised who it was. "DR STRANGE?!" "You know him" Tony asked confused. "Yeah He-" you were aboit to say before you were all pushed with a wave of energy. The other weird alien man flew past you all and took strange slamming him into a building. He reached to Starnges chest and was then pushed by Strange before Strange was wrapped up by metal wires and was strapped to a slab of concrete and taken to the ship. You, Tony and Peter all went after the alien with Strange. Peter webbed up the slab of concrete and tried to get Strange out. He then was taken by enegy while holding onto Strange. You tried to fly over to Peter and Strange as teh alien dragged them closer and closer to the ship. You grabbed onto Peters leg as you now all were being dragged to teh ship. Tony then flew over trying to get you all out and get to teh alien. But Tony was blasted into a building. You and Peter were then also blasted back and you both fell onto teh circle spaceship. As the ship began to hover up into teh sky and soon nearly oit if the earths atmosphere. You heard Tony telling you and Peter to jump off the ship and go back to the ground. "GUYS JUMP RIGHT NOW AND GO BACK HOME NOW!!!!!" Tony screamed You felt light headed die to the lack of oxygen and fell back, Peter fell back also and grabbed you. You then felt something hit your back and you were able to breath again. It was a new suit. " Oh my god this is so cool, it smells like a new car in here." Peter said. Peters suit was clean. "Friday send them home." Tony said. Immediately then you felt something drag you down. You and Peter holding eachother both grasp the edge of the ship.Grasping onto what you could you were back on the ship. You saw Peter also above you holding onto the ship. You looked behind you and saw the earth getting smaller and smaller. Your heart dropped as all teh bad thoughts about space and losing everything. Peter grabbed you and dragged into the ship as the many doors closed.

"Peter whats going on?! Are we in space?! What!?" you panicked. "Y/n i'm being honest I have no clue what's going on." he said even more panicked then you. "Come on let's just try and find Mr.Stark." he said trying to calm down. You both went through a bunch of wires and mechanics and made it to a ledge where you saw Tony looking down at the alien with Strange. Peter slowly and quietly swung down to Tony. You then heard Tony whisper shouting at peter. "You should not be here!" Tony said. "Right we're i didn't want you to be!" Tony said panicked. You slowly flew down behind Tony. "Don't tell me you thought this through." Tony snapped at Peter. "I did think this through." Peter asserted. "Thank god Y/n isn't here." Tony sighed. "Hi." you whisper softly. Tony turned around looking "For god sake guys." Tony annoyed. "This is one a way ticket guys, i didn't want you guys here." He said panicked and angry. "Ugh." Tony moaned as her turned to look again at Strange. "What going on Tony, what is all this." you asked. Tony paused. "There's a man, who wants to destroy the world bascially and em.... he needs the stones. He already has three. Strange has one and vision and one and....." he said then looking at you. You felt the stone in your food head give off energy. "Why does he need the stones." you asked hesitantly "I'm not sure." Tony said. "But don't worry. It'll be ok." He assured you. Your heart started pounding. "Arghhhh!!!" You all heard Strange cry as he was tortured below you. "What do we do?" you said shakily. "Did you ever see that old movie Aliens?" Peter asked. "So you distract him, blow up the ship side so he gets dragged out and then i'll web it up." Peter said. "That won't work." You and Tony said at the same time. "Hold on, mabye it will work." Tony said. "What am i supposed to do." You said to Peter. "Watch." Peter said winking attractively. You sat down and watched it unfold and they got rid of the alien and saved Strange.

"Good job Pete." you said smiling. "
Peter knew you worried about being here. "Look it's gonna be ok." he said trying to comfort you. "Look that guy wants these stones i can't just give it to him." you said panicking.
"We got to turn this ship around." Strange said to Tony. "Now he wants to run." Tony snapped. Tony and Strange continued arguing but you couldn't stop thinking of your stone. Strange then introduced himself to Peter. "I'm Peter by the way." He said. "Dr.Strange." Strange replied. "Oh we're using our made up names... I'm Spider-man." Peter said cutely. Strange then looked at you. "Y/n- I" Strange began. "Save it." you interrupted. "You know eachother?" Peter asked. "You remember those headaches i got." you said before pointing at him. "What?" Tony said. "I visited Y/n a couple of times, they have immense power that they cant use yet, I was just making sure they were going to be ok." Strange said. "Look we need to focus on Thanos." Tony said. "Is that the guy?....Who needs the stones?" You asked. Tony nodded. Tony and Strange argued about going home or go to Thanos. "Look we can't bring him the time stone, he already has two god knows how many he'll have if we get to him. He won't be able to find the soul stone and no one has proof that the (your stone) exists. Tony looked you. Then did Strange. You caressed your forehead to reveal your stone. "Shit." Strange said. "I didn't know you had that." He added. "That means Thanos after me too, he just doesn't know it." you said. Tony then realised, he forgot you had one of the stones. He started to worry. "We need to go to wherever this is going." Tony said. "No!" Strange said. "Look we have to stones. We could beat him." Tony said overthinking everything. Strange hesitantly agreed and then Tony went away to talk away from you and Peter. You looked out at the endless space infront of you. Peter stood beside you and hugged you. "I can't do this Pete." you said with a single tear trying to get out of your eye. "You can, look i said it's gonna be ok, it's gonna be ok." He said grabbing your hand and squeezing it as hard as you could. "Tony said there was 6. Vision has one, Starnge has one. I have one. That's three. He can't find the soul stone. He has two. We can beat him." Peter said trying to comfort you.

Tony and Strange then came out and you could see a planet you were getting close to. "We're here i think." Starnge said. The ship was getting closer and closer to the ground. "I don't think this thing parks itself." Tony said before him and Peter absolutely smash the ship into the ground and Strange saving you all with a spell. Next thing you knew you were in a rubble of ship and rock. "If we get attacked by aliens and they lay eggs in my chest and i try to kill one of you im sorry." Peter said trying to be funny. "I don't want a single pop-culture reference from you the entire trip." Tony snapped. "What i'm trying to say is something is coming." Peter said right before a small orb rolled between you all, it burst sending you all in different directions.

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