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Beep! Beep! Beep!......Beep! Beep! Beep!....Beep! Bee-. Your alarm screamed before your smashed it with your fist. You grunted. Mondays. Pushing yourself up and rubbing your eyes. You looked to your right to see Peter already awake looking back at you. "Morning" he said with his soft morning voice. "Morning" you smiled in reply.  You looked into eyes. They were tired. "Y/n?!" you heard Tony shouted from the hallway. "Shit" you said. You heard the door starting to open. "Get down." you said pushing Peter down under the covers and jumping on him. "Y/n?" you heard Nat say. Turning you head around but still lying on top of Peter. "Hi" you said softly. Nat and Tony walked over to the bed. "Y/n i'm sorry for how i reacted the other night." she said apologising. You needed them to leave quickly so you said "Ok". "Ok..." Nat said standing up. "Told y'a, we work together." Nat said to Tony. "What's wrong." Tony asked noticing your position. You panicked. "I'm naked." you stated. "Oh k, say no more." Tony said before him and Nat walked out of her room. As the door closed you heard Peter sniggering. He flipped the covers to reveal you sitting over Peters ye know.... He was laughing. "i'm naked" he mocked "Shut up." you said laughing. He grabbed your arms flipping you over so he was now on top of you. "That's better." you heard him say under his breath. You didn't comprehend what he said so your blush was delayed. You both looked into your eyes. "Come on, get me some breakfast." he laughed getting off you. You were flustered, "Ugh em..... sure." You then awkwardly walked out if the room ro the kitchen. 'WHAT DID HE SAY!' you screamed into your head.  'THATS BETTER!!!!!' you screamed. You walked into the kitchen as red as a rose and a huge grin.  "What's up with you." Tony smiled. You quickly dropped your smile. "I'm um *cough back on with Pete." You said . Tony softly nodded and gave a little smile, "that's good." he stated. Nat came from behind and hugged you. "I'm sorry again." she said swaying. "It's fine, it's my fault anyway." you said. She smiled. "So what's it about Peter." she asked. "We're back friends, it's was a lot of talking but we're back now, both wiser i guess." you chuckled. "Made your lunch." Nat whispered in your ear as she left your grasp. "Thank you" you said. You started to just pour a bowl of cereal for Peter. And you grabbed yourself two pop tarts. You also quickly made tea which was already boiled. Quickly running back to your room. "Here." you handed Peter, still in bed, the bowl and tea. "Thanks." he said. "You coming to school today?" you asked him. "Yeah, i'll just carry my books." he said innocently. You looked at him while he ate his breakfast, again he was so innocent yet somehow so sexy. His eyes would close from tiredness to grasp one more moment of bliss. His hair was messy and curled around his face. While you were staring, he faced you. "I kinda need some clothes." he chuckled nervously. "No problem." you said getting up and going to your hanger. "This." you said showing him a green tee and denim dad jeans. Peter didn't want to be picky after all you did for him so he just smiled and nodded on the first. "Here then." you said softly handing it to him. "Thanks." he said getting up and taking off his jumper. His chest was now evident, His pecks, his abs, his arms, all of it. You slightly blushed. He was a geek with a jocks body. Turing you head quickly, you were red. You waited for your face to cool down. "How y'a gonna get out of here." you smirked. "Ill find a way." he smiled. Your laptop made a weird noise from across the room. "Email." peter stated sitting back down on the bed. "I never get any of those." you said going over to the laptop. "It's from school." you said opening it. "What's it say" he asked. "Ugh" you grunted. "What?" he asked. "Homecoming,Friday at  7." you stated. "What's the ugh about." he laughed. "Don't like dances?"he added. "No....It's just the whole thing about ye know. You have to go with someone. It's just makes some people ye know lonely." you grunted. "You can go with your friends.......which you are doing." he said. "Nope, i am not going to that thing." you stated. "No your gonna go with me and Ned and Mj." he smiled. "No...... i'm sure you'll go with someone, Liz?" you smirked. 'Why did i say that.' you said in your head. He bit his lip and started scratching the back of his head.  "What about you, who will you bring." he smirked. "Edvin." he said under his breath. "No." you snapped. "No." you said softer. A little paused occurred. "Anyone else catch your fancy" he said now sitting beside you. You looked at him, he was now right beside you. His eyes were devoured with beauty. His cheeks had a slight tint of red. His lips, the best part in your opinion, were soft and pink. You looked at eyes, then his lips, then his eyes again back to lips and eyes again. "Nope." you said shaking your head. "Come on, who?" he asked. "Pete there's no one." you said smiling. "There's someone isn't there." he said smirking. "No, come on we'll be late." you said getting up.  "Get out through the window." you said smirking grabbing your bag and shitting the door behind you. Grabbing your lunch and saying goodbye to Nat you were walking to leave HQ until, "Y/n." You turned. Cap stood there standing still. "Ugh........I'm sorry." he stuttered. "It's fine." you said with a smile before you walked out. Making your way to the train station and meeting up with Peter, you felt tiny drops of rain hitting your head.  The scene was aesthetic, the rain, the flowers, the noise of the train. It made your morning less hard to get through. Hopping on the train with Peter. Sitting opposite him you were both at the window seats. Planting your head on the rain pouring window, you closed your eyes again to feel another minute of bliss as you were really tired. Opening your eyes from time to time you looked at the boy adjacent to you. He wore your brown autumn jumper and your denim jeans, it suited him. His rose cheeks contrasted with his pale skin and fluffy light brown hair. And then it hit you. "Shit he really does like guys too.' 'Top or bottom' you thought to yourself tilting your head. He gave a little smile as he noticed you looking at him. Feeling yourself blushing. 'Definitely top' you chuckled to yourself. 'And the thing this morning. "That's better"' you bit your tongue. Time passed and you were now at the school, Ot was lashing rain and you and Peter struggled to make it into school without being soaked. Getting into the warm walls you were greeted by Liz. "Hey guys." she smiled. "Hi Liz." Peter said his voice cracking. "Hey." you said acting like you cared. "Nice sweater, Pete." She said. "It's mine." you said quickly. "It's nice yeah." she complimented. You scoffed inside but smiled on the outside. "Liz!" someone said from behind her. "Ugh i got to go, See y'a later." she said leaving. "Peter was so red and swooned as she walked away. You laughed. "You're so cute." you mocked him. "What." he asked cluelessly. "You're in love with her Peter." you said rubbing his shoulders. "No." he snapped. You laughed as you both continued walking. Although you acted like you didn't, you envied her. You wanted Peter but she had him wrapped around her pinkie. As you walked to your locker posters and signs decorated the halls screaming at you about homecoming.

(Time skip- back home at HQ)
You stayed in your room as the night fell. Your simple lights in your room made the room cosy. The soft music in the background and the constant rain of the day. You melted in its grasp. School was long, ordinary day nothing special. You left Peter at the end of school and told him to text you when he got home. Doing homework your phone beeped. It was from Peter.
Peter/> i'm alive
Y/n/> good to hear 😍😍
Peter/> lol
You paused not knowing what to reply with.
Y/n/> how's your wounds?
Peter/> they're better thanks to you <3
Y/n/> don't worry you'd do the same for me
Peter probably had the same problem as you did a minute ago. You caught yourself with a huge smile. "wtf" you chuckled yourself. "what's so funny?" You heard a voice from the window. Confused and scared you slowly walked to the widow. "Hey."  the voice spoke. "Peter?" you laughed confused. "O my god get in youll be soaked." you said helping the boy in from the window. "Had an umbrella." he said. "Peter take that jumper off here have ANOTHER one of my clothes." you said handing him another jumper as he took off the wet one. "Brought food." he said signalling the bag in his hands. "Free food? cant say no." you said jumping on your bed. Peter sat on your bed and took out ice cream. Just like the last time. "Again." you chuckled taking a spoon. He smiled. "Why did you come here, Pete?" you asked, you thought he came here for a reason not just hanging out. He paused. "I uh... wanted to...um.....thank you, for last night........And the other night when i was covered in blood." he stuttered. "Peter,.......you don't need to thank me." you said looking deep into his eyes. His hazel eyes were magnetic. "But i um i'm sorry i forced it out. That was probably the last thing i thought you would say.  "What?, why didn't you think that?" he asked confused. "Well, umm i thought you well idk really. I guess i just never thought of it." you said confused. "why." he asked concerned now. "Well idk, i just um. Peter i thought you were straight." you laughed. "ah" he replied. "Whyy?!" he chuckled. "idk, just like i guess Liz and just the way you act, i dunno. I just assumed." you rambled. He smiled. "I thought you were straight too."he stated eating some ice cream. "Really!" you enquired. "Well a little fruity." he laughed. "What gave it away." you begged. He paused. "Probably the way you looked at me. You have a crush on me, i know it. The way you looked let it away." he said with confidence. You looked at him. "What." you said flustered. "Heehehehe" he chuckled. "jk" he laughed. 'That's not even funny, even if you didn't have a crush on him, it wouldn't be funny. It was so out of the blue.' you thought to yourself. You laughed with Peter to try and act non-suspicious. You started to eat the ice cream again. You needed to end the scilevece and change the conversation quick. "What are you gonna do if someone comes in." you asked. "Mabye ill get under the covers again." he smiled. You sniggered. "Wanna play." you said pointing to the nintendo switch beside your tv. You guys then played mario kart and smash bro's for about an hour. With no interruptions from Nat Tony or anyone. Peter left through the window and he left the scene looking out from your window. As you watched the boy leave your vision, you thought of all that happened. Peter was just as cute and clueless as ever yet he controlled you. When he had your arms up against the bed this morning and whispered "that's better." it sent shocks down your spine paralysing you. He controlled you. You really liked him. A lot. It was only if he liked you. You thought he was a flirty person as he was. He's confident when he's with people he's comfortable around. He was n very cocky around you, which was attractive. But you preferred  the clumsy star wars nerd. You collapsed on your bed hoping that in your dreams you and Peter were together.

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