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Your morning was pretty normal. The sun was awake. The rain from last night had stopped. You woke up, got breakfast, got dressed took your lunch and your bag and made your way to the station. You popped in your earphones as you waited for the bus. The air was cold yet the sun shined like it was summer. You lived this weather, cold yet sunny. It gave the beauty of summer yet the comfort of cosines of cold winter. The train came on time and you stepped inside taking a seat. Placing your head on the seat you took a deep breath, relaxing your muscles and body. Now in school you didn't see Peter. You went to your locker, grabbing your books and walking over to your first class, Art. You enjoyed art, it was mostly the teacher who cut you some slack about stress and just overall life. You didn't see MJ, but you took a seat. Ms Lally went over what you guys needed to do. You guys were starting to sketch with pens, a piece of your portfolio was yo he done sketched in pen. The theme was 'confusion'. Ms Lally admitted that this theme was a hard one, but the art course needed it for your end of grade. Luckily, you knew exactly what to do. You wanted to do sketches of the confusion you got from Peter. Did he like you? Did he like boys? Those flirts he did. You guys being weirdly comfortable with eachother in certain situations. It was for next week so you took your time and you were gonna finish it at home. You didn't ahve any classes with Peter till before lunch which was chemistry. You made it to the class, seeing Peter and Ned in their pair as usual. Smiling at them both before taking a seat from the other side of the class. Before the class started, you watched Edvin walking past you and sitting adjacent you. Throughout class he would slightly look at you, but you wouldn't give him a reaction and just ignored him. The class was about metals and non- metals. The teacher announced at the end of the lesson that there would be a pair project that required researching a particular metal and or non metal. To be fair and make sure everyone was in a pair. The teacher was going to pick two names from the bowl. You prayed not to be with Edvin. As she picked the names out. It was getting closer and closer yo the end of the bowl and your abs edvins name we're still in the bowl. But in teenage romance ways you name popped up with....Peter. "Ironic". you said to yourself happy with the outcome. "Ned" the teacher announced. Ned raised his hands. "Last but not least, you will be paired with.....Edvin." they said. "Poor Ned." you said to yourself, Although Edvin heard you and turned to face you. You stared at him blankly and got up for lunch. "No fair, you get eachother and i'm stuck with HIM!" Ned screeched at the lunch table. "Peter." Ned stated. "Peter!" he stated again. Ned started tossing his head in a direction. "Peter, now." he said continuing to toss his head.
He was signalling towards Liz. "No." peter said keeping his head down. "What?" you said confused. "Peter just do it." Ned pleaded. "Do what?" you asked. "Ask Liz to homeco-" "SHHHH!!" Peter interrupted waving his hands. "Aw Pete come on," you said teasing him. "Hey liz!" you said fakely. "Hey guys." she smiled walking over to your table. You hated her, but she was really pretty. "How are you." you asked not really caring. "I'm great thank you." she said noticing Peter head deep into the table. "Is he ok?" she asked ponying at Peter. "Yeah....He's just tired." you teased Peter under the table lightly kicking him. "Aw, i hope your ok Peter." she said. Suddenly Peters head bursted up. "Thanks." his voice cracked. You wished his voice cracked with you. "Uh exuse me." Peter said kicking Ned under the table and getting up and leaving while Ned followed. Liz chuckled sitting down across from you. "They're both so awkward." she smiled. "Why?" she added. "They're just both awkward around everyone i guess, but when he ge- i mean they get comfortable around you, they are so funny and kind he know...... It's a different person. People, they're different people." you said. "Peters adorable tho." she said. You bit your lip. "Yeah he's alright." you said softly. "So y/n are you coming to homecoming friday?" she asked. "I don't know, I don't have anyone to go with and it's not really my scene" you stated. "What about Ned and Peter go with them." she said. "They both kinda have their eyes set on people to go with." you huffed. "Really Peter and Ned?" she asked. You nodded. "Have you got anyone on your mind." she asked teasingly. "Nope." you said while in your head you were screaming: 'YES ACTUALLY THE BOY WHO IS IN LOVE WITH YOU' you smiled. "Well i got to go, please think about Friday, it should be fun." she stated before walking off. You closed your eyes trying to gain brain cells firm all the fake smiles you were putting on. Taking deep breaths to control your sanity. You saw Peter creep his head over to see if she was still there. You chuckled at his eyes as they scanned the room for her. The two nerds scrounged their way back to your table and sat down. "Did she say anything." Peter asked you. "Yeah she said stuff about homecoming and if i had anyone to go with.......She also called the two if you adorable." you said blankly. You saw a little smile forming on Peters face as his cheeks turned red. You bit your lip. 'Why not me.' a quote from mitski 🤪🤪.  "Peter just ask her out already." you said smiling yet annoyed. Peter looked at you. His eyes told a million words. What were they saying now. "Why do you want me to do it so bad?" he enquired squinting his eyes concerned. You paused with your mouth half opened. "I- Come on Pete, you get nothing, just this one thing. I know how much you like Liz.....And i think she likes to you. And i mean why wouldn't she your amazing Pete." you vented litterally pouring out your emotions but Peter just took it as you being supportive. "Thanks bro." he said smiling at you. You died inside when he said that but you displayed happiness. *Ring Ring Ring. the bell went off for class. You didn't have any classes with Peter so you got and said goodbye. "Peter i expect for you to have a date for Friday by tonight." you said pointing at him. "Cya guys." you said walking off. "You should listen to him Pete." Ned said. Peter rolled his eyes.

The last two classes went quick nothing really out of the ordinary. Walking out of class you were making your way to the exit. "I QUIT!" you heard someoen scream from a clasroom. "WHAT YOU CANT QUIT NOW D.C IS TOMMOROW." you heard someoen yell back. An angered girl ran out of the classroom. "SO NOW NO PETER AND NOW NO SYLVIE! GREAT GUYS." you heard a teacher yell and clasping. You peaked your head into the classroom to see your biology teacher clapping infront of students, two of whom were Ned and Mj. The teacher noticed you. "L/n!" he exclaimed. Your eyes widened. "L/n! ARE YOU GOOD AT QUIZES!" he begged. "I guess....." you said confused. "L/n we have an academic decathlon and the last event to win is an academic quiz we've lost two guys. Even if your bad a quizzes we just need bodies to be able to enter." he begged again. "When is it." you asked. tomorrow morning. "Liz get over here." he said. "Liz just see where's he's at and tell him about tomorrow i need some air." he said walking off. "Hey again." she smiled. "Hi." She sighed, "shall we begin." "Why not." you sighed. Liz then quizzed you and you got most of them right. She then told you all about the details for tommorow. "And that's that, i think your ready." she smiled. "Thank you so much, i kinda need a thing to be doing i guess." you sighed awkwardly. "Alright cya tommorow then." she smiled. "That's so cool your joining." Ned said walking up to you. "Ill have someone to talk to since Peter left." he smiled. "Yeah why did he." you asked.  "I dunno." he shrugged. "You never asked him." you stated questioning. "I guess yeah." he said awkwardly.  "ookkkk." you said confused. "Right i better go." Ned said before leaving. You turned to the door to see Mj. "Hey." you said. "Hi." she said before disappearing. "Good talk, good talk." you said to yourself walking out if the door. After a short while, you finally made it home. "Hey kid, why are you home a little later." Cap asked. "Here." you smiled. "Can you sign it." You pleaded. "Sure what is it. "Just liek a quiz like but it's in D.C so i'll the be home the next morning." you stated grabbing a snack from the cupboard. "Ah cool." he said signing it.  "Thank-in you." you said grabbing the sheet and heading to your room. You packed your bad and you collapsed on your bed. Texting Peter you joined the club and was going to Washington tomorrow. You placed your phone on your chest. "Cool."

You decided you were gonna start that art project. "Confusion." you repeated what Ms Lally said. You knew exactly what to do. But how to draw it,slamming our head on your desk. You couldn't draw anything. Trial after trail you couldn't get it right. And then it hit you. You were gonna two figures. You decided to tell a story in scenes so you divided your portfolio into various pieces.Set in a flower field.Firstly a stem that had not bloomed. In the next scene the stem encounters another stem a bit bloomed but not fully. In the next scene your intertwined the stems to form a heart. Next the first stem bloomed into a beautiful rose, next the second bloomed into a lily. The next scene, the two newly bloomed flowers intertwined once more. But this time, only the rise formed half a heart. The Lilly this time was looking in the opposite direction. In the next scene, the lilly was looking at a big tulip, and the rose became smaller behind the Lilly. Next the lilly's leaf was reaching out to the tulip. But the tulip looked away. The last few scenes were; The lilly formed a heart again with the rose yet the rose was smaller. The lilly again looked towards the tulip and formed half a heart. Then the rose was left alone with single  petal falling off. You thought it was nice. You just didn't know if it would tell 'confusion'.
You painted the portfolio in watercolour. Making the roses saturation lighter and lighter.  "Yeah." you said slightly proud of yourself. It had took you hours to finish the project and you were tired but hungry. You went to the kitchen and a couple of the guys were watching tv. You popped on a pizza in the oven as you waited Wanda signalled you over to the couch. "How is the headaches?" she asked. "Great actually i haven't got any, thank you." you smiled. "Here, Vis come 'ere." she said. "Hello." vision greeted you. Wanda took your hand and placed it on Visions mind stone. "Oh." yous said confused. "Do what you did with me." she said taking her hand away. You did what she said and focused your energy on his stone. "Ah." you groaned. "What is it?" Wanda said. "It's speaking to me." You replied. "What it is saying?" Vision asked. "Well it's not saying, it's speaking....It's recognising my energy, it's like it's sibling." you said amazed. "Well they're both from the same singularity." Vision stated before you took away your hand and closed into a reality. *Ding. Your pizza was finished. "Got to go." you said leaving. Wanda and Vision looked at each other thinking about what the stone was telling you. Taking your pizza into your room you watched netflix. For the next while you watched at ate and you went to bed. As you closed your eyes your phone dinged. A text from Pete. It read: That's amazing. I'm glad your getting out there. You smiled.

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