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I will be messing with some of the upcoming events just as a heads up!!


"Hello," Anna greeted as she walked into the garden where Danny was waiting. "You alright?"

"Even better now," the boy grinned at her cheekily. "I'm Danny, nice to meet you."

Anna sat down in her seat before grabbing the wine in front of her. "Cheers!"

Danny stared at the girl in front of him intensely while she drank her wine. "So, how are things in the villa?"

"Well, lucky for you we have quite a few friendship couples in there currently," Anna laughed. 

"The man has that stare down pat, it scared me a little," Anna squirmed in the beach hut.

"And how about your couple?" Danny sat back in his chair. 

"So I'm coupled with Liam and I'm quite happy," Anna smiled. "He's a great lad and we're just continuing to get to know each other."

"I see," he smirked at her. 

"I am curious, why did you pick me?" Anna questioned. 

"Well you're stunning of course," he leaned back onto the table. "And from what I saw I think our personalities would mesh really well together. Think we could be a great couple."

"Okay then," Anna threw back the rest of her wine. "I mean, you've only actually spoke to me for a few minutes. I am quite happy with Liam though."

"Danny was very intense, and I am not sure how I felt about it," Anna admitted. "I hope he goes for one of the single girls honestly."

Danny tried to link up when the walked back into the villa but Anna speed walked out of his space. "We're back!" She announced as the other Islanders walked over to great him. "This is Danny everyone."

"You see Anna come back from that date and she looked like a scared bunny," Faye commented in the beach hut. 

"You want to go for a chat," Liam said quietly to the girl as the new boy was surrounded. 

"Of course," Anna let him lead them over to the swings. 

"How was it?" Liam asked.

"Honestly, not good." Anna laughed and took a sip of her drink. "He is very intense and he was making comments about us being a good couple and I just wasn't there for it."

"I didn't want to say this to Liam but honestly Danny's date made me feel very uncomfortable," Anna expressed. "He was very forward and I just don't have any connection with him from our conversation."

Liam hummed as he searched Anna's face. She seemed a little flighty so he just pulled her into his side. "You let me know if he does anything you don't like ok?" He kissed her forehead. 

"I will admit, AJ pulled me while you were gone," Liam inwardly grinned when he felt Anna huff. 

"This girl kills me man," he laughed in the beach hut. 

"Of course, I went on a rubbish date and this girl is trying to steal Liam from me!" Anna threw her hands up.

"She told me she did like me, but I basically told her I was good where I am," Liam rubbed the girls shoulder. 

"Well that's good," she grinned sweetly at him and pecked his lips. Eventually Liam saw the boys pull Danny and headed over to them while Anna joined the girls. 

"So what's your usual type?" Jake was asking as Liam sat down. 

"Petite, dark hair, usually with a fiery personality," Danny grinned as the boys side eyed Liam.

"So basically Anna," Hugo laughed. 

"She is the girl I think I would get on the most with yeah," Danny smirked at Liam. "Sorry mate."

"Nothing to be sorry for, thats her decision," Liam shrugged as he and Jake made eye contact. 

"This guy gives me weird vibes," Liam admitted in the beach hut. 

Before the guys could get much more out of him Sharon came over to ask him to speak with the girls. "He's got a pair doesn't he," Hugo remarked as they watched Danny sit down between Kaz and Sharon. 

"Yeah, Anna said he was very intense on the date," Liam frowned as he made eye contact with the girl in question. 

"So coming in, who were your top three," Faye asked the tatooed boy. 

"Definitely Anna, Kaz and Sharon," the boy winked at the girls. Kaz and Sharon giggled but Anna smiled slightly. 

"You alright?" Faye asked Anna as they were getting ready for bed. 

"Yeah, Danny's just thrown me off," Anna admitted to her friend. 

"Like your head has turned?" Faye asked incredulously. 

"No, no, no," she shook her head. "He is just so full on and it just gives me the heebie jeebies."

Faye nodded, keeping an eye on the girl as she got into her pajamas. "If he acts up you know you can tell me, I won't tell anyone."

"He hasn't actually done anything. He just doesn't give me great vibes."


Ok peeps, just finished the last casa ep, thoughts?

Here are mine, I am a fan of Faye and I think she knows she made a mistake. Truthfully I hope she and Teddy work it out because the way they were together was great....

Real life Liam is horrific so if you guys are worried, don't be bc im writing him differently LOL

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