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"Islanders this year we had six lovely girls and boys join us for Casa Amor," Laura grinned as the door to the villa opened. "Welcome the other villa girls in as well."

The three girls walked across the deck to stand beside the three boys. 

"How are you all feeling?"

The boys and two of the girls echoed each other with 'good's and 'alright's, while one of the blonde girls responded with 'shocked'.

"Lillie? Why are you shocked?"

"I just thought that one of the boys and I had a connection, and I just didn't think I would be standing here," the girl frowned. Anna glanced at Liam from the corner of her eye and saw his frown of confusion. 

"Who did  you think you had a connection with?" Laura asked, all of the islanders waited in anticipation. 


Anna's spine immediately stiffened, grabbing for Faye's hand, even as she heard every boys surprised words. 

"What the fuck?" Liam exhaled as he felt Anna shift out of his hold. 

"What made you feel that you two had a connection?" Laura pushed the blonde as everyone stared her down. 

"I mean, actions speak louder-"

"Do you mean you asking me to share a bed with you multiple times and me refusing?" Liam asked sarcastically. "Or the time we kissed during the challenge? I'm just a little confused here."

Lillie looked at the boy with faux confidence. "The talks you and I had-"

"Lillie, the last talk you and I had, I literally said that you may be attractive but anything I saw in Casa Amor wasn't worth me giving up what I had in the Main Villa," the boy stated. "I'm not sure what agenda you're trying to have, sitting here and making it out like we had this forbidden connection and I abandoned you. We spoke twice outside of a group, and both times you tried to get me to sleep in a bed with you or test things out and I didn't."

"You alright babe," Faye whispered as Liam and Lillie went back and forth. 

"I'm just so confused," Anna blinked back tears as Faye and Teddy both held her hand. 

"Alright well, it is now time for the six of you to say your goodbyes, and I will be saying farewell too," Laura practically ran out of the villa. 

Anna could barely stand there and smile while everyone greeted each other, saying hello to the three new girls before heading inside. She was able to slip out and make her way to the terrace without too much commotion. She sat down with a sigh, tilting her head back to look at the stars as the tears came. 

"This is so hard, because I want to trust Liam so bad," the girl said shakily. "But to sit there and have a girl say those things. It's just really hard to sit here and feel confident."

"Oh babes," Liberty said sadly as she and Jake happened across the crying girl. "Liam's looking for you." The blonde wrapped the girl in a hug while Jake frowned. 

"I just don't know what to do," Anna sobbed into her friends shoulder. 

"Anna hun," Jake sighed and sat with the girls. "I can say 100% that Liam is being truthful. He never even spoke about the girl, he slept in a daybed every night, they pecked in a challenge. That was it."

"But then why is she standing there saying she felt like they had a connection," she shook her head. 

"I mean she definitely felt something for him, but he never gave it back. Like at all," Jake rubbed her shoulder sympathetically. "I think you just need to speak with him."

"You're right," she sniffled, grinning shakily as she hugged the couple and went back inside. She made it out to the garden and tried to shoot a reassuring smile Faye's way. She made it to the kitchen before her attention was caught by the brunette boy. 

"I was looking for you," he frowned. "Have you been crying?"

"Yeah," she chuckled. "Don't know why though. Completely out of the blue."

"C'mere," he shook his head at her obvious sarcasm. He took her over to the swing and sat down next to her. "Tell me how you're feeling, ask me whatever you want. She was lying. Every day in the Villa I just thought about getting back here to you. I never even gave her the time of day."

"So you have no clue why she has said all of this?" Anna scoffed. 

"Oh she tried to put it on me a lot," the boy said. "Like every night she asked me to share a bed and I said no. The last night she said something along the lines of 'it's our last night you're not even going to give me a shot' and I said no I have Anna."

"Did you kiss her?" she asked timidly. 

"We kissed once in the raunchy races and that was it," he grabbed her hand gently. "Anna, I swear on my life, every time she tried to worm her way into my head or get me in her bed, I 1000% said no, I have a girl I'm waiting for."

"Okay," she sighed, cursing herself as she began to tear up again. 

"Babe," Liam closed his eyes as he pulled her close. "I don't ever want you to cry over me. Ever. I'm so sorry."

"I know, it's just so hard. I was so happy to have you back and then she came in and dropped a supposed fucking bomb."

"You can ask any of the boys, the new girls, I swear I'm not lying to you."


hey peeps! im back, sorry for the delay my life has been hectic as poop, trying to finish up this series now that life is back to normal on my end!! thanks for sticking around

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