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The other islanders cheered loudly as Anna and Liam came back to the villa after the date. The girls gathered on the day bed to hear about their night. "Yeah so we were down by the water, with a little candlelit table and dinner," the girls all cooed. "It was just very quiet and romantic.  And then we talked about our journey in here and things. And I just love the boy you know?"

The girls smiled at Anna's face. "Like I thought I had been in love before but this just feels like more? And it just feels really good and he makes me feel really good about myself and us and everything."

"Aw babe," Faye pulled the blushing girl into a hug as all the girls laughed. Shortly after, the conversation ended and the girls went ahead upstairs to get ready for bed. "What is it going to be like not sharing a bed with multiple other couples?" Anna whispered with a giggle as she cuddled into Liam's side that night. 

"I love em all but I cannot wait for that," Liam closed his eyes with a grin.

The group woke up early like usual the next day, everyone lounging in bed for a bit before getting up. Anna was laying on Liam's chest with her eyes closed beneath her sunglasses when Liberty and Kaz made their way inside. Lib walked through the room while Kaz headed to her bed. "She got the text for their final date," Kaz let the others know, the group frowning sympathetically. 

Anna and Chloe headed upstairs to sit with Liberty as she got ready. "Maybe this date will give you a chance to have closure," Anna encouraged. "You know what you want, and this is your chance to talk it all through and make a final decision."

 The islanders all send the couple off with some cheers. "I do think that will probably be helpful for them, whichever way it goes," Anna commented to Liam once she and him had headed over to a day bed to chill out for the late morning. 

"Yeah, I don't think he knows what he's even hoping for after the date." Anna hummed and then as if the two had read each others minds, they laid down to take a nice mid morning nap. By the time the couple woke back up and ate a snack, Jake and Liberty had returned and were calling everyone to the firepit. 

The islanders looked at each other confused, but made their way over to sit down and give the couple their attention. "So yeah, we went on this boat, and it was our dream date. And we talked things through, and we've decided the best thing is for us to go our separate ways," Anna wasn't surprised when the blonde announced that, but her next words made her jaw drop. "And we're going to be leaving the villa."

"Shut the fuck up," Anna gasped, her hand jumping up to cover her mouth. 

"Yeah, we're going to leave together," Lib explained. "We obviously don't want to be taking up a place in here when you guys are all strong couples. And that was us at one point, but it isn't the case any more." Everyone looked at them in shock for a solid minute before Jake spoke. 

"We don't want to be sucking the life out of it," he shook his head. 

"It's meant to be a happy time for all of you couples, and we're just not there. And this is supposed to be a happy time for your strong relationships, and ours has fallen apart. So we're just going to pack and go," Anna's eyes had already began to well when she saw the sad smile on Liberty's face. 

"Right now we're just not getting on," Jake shrugged. "And like Lib said, we just think the best thing is to take ourselves out of this situation with you guys." Anna could tell the boy was getting emotional, as was Liam who's head was leaning down next to her. She placed her hand on his knee, squeezing three times before his own hand came to cover hers, returning the gesture. 

"We just feel like its time for us to go. But we're walking out of here together, and on good terms, which is the main thing," Anna gave the blonde a wobbly smile. 

"I'm so sorry guys," Faye croaked out. 

"You guys will be so missed," Anna said, smiling through her tears. "You both have made such an Impact on everyone in here, and we love you so much." At that, Liam got up and went over to kiss them both on the forehead, the other islanders getting up slowly. Anna went and sat on Fayes lap, the two letting their tears fall freely as they watched everyone hug the two. 

"I'm so proud of you," Anna whispered to Liberty as she hugged the girl. "You've done so well, and I just love you so much."

"I love you," Liberty whispered back, pulling back to wipe the girls cheeks before the girls headed upstairs to sit together before helping the girl pack. 

"I've never been more proud of you," Faye spoke through her tears. "Because you could've just stayed in here and rode it out, but you didn't and that takes so much gut, and shows the woman you are. And you should be so proud of yourself. And we're all so proud of you"

"We are Lib, we're so proud of you," Anna and Chloe both agreed. 

"We're just sorry it didn't work out the way it should have for you," Faye croaked out. 

"It's just not fair for you," Chloe wiped her eyes. "You didn't deserve this at all, like its so sad."

"You have been here for all of us. Like you have picked me up at my lowest points," Kaz cried. "And I think you've done the same for all of us. And all we want is for you to find someone." The two girls hugged. "You just deserve the world and everything more, and I swear someone is there for you."

"You're right. And like this experience didn't end up being what I thought it would and thats ok," Liberty smiled through her tears. "I don't think Jakes a bad person, I just don't think he was in love with me. And thats ok, I just want to remember the good times."

"I've made good friends, I fell in love, it didn't work out, I grew as a person," the blonde listed off. "It's been one hell of a journey." At that, the girls hugged again, before heading inside to pack Libs things. 

"Your dream man is definitely waiting for you right now," Anna laughed through her tears. 

"Probably in your DMs," Faye added, the girls all giggling. They then headed down to the foyer where the botys were waiting. Anna headed straight in Liam's arms, giving him a tight hug, before turning and leaning into his chest as Liberty walked down the steps with Kaz. 

Anna offered Jake a tight hug and soft smile, before turning to Liberty again with tears in her eyes. "You smashed it baby," Anna laughed, pulling the girl in to her arms. "It was an amazing time in here, and I know I'll see you soon. I love you." 

Anna leaned against the wall, watching as Liam held Jake in a long embrace, before releasing him. He wiped under his eyes beneath his glasses, heading over to Anna and standing beside her, an arm around her. The islanders cheered as Liberty and Jake left the villa for the last time.

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