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"So the girl I would like to couple up with is

Anna." The girl sighed and smiled sadly at Liam as she walked over to sit next to Danny, ducking his hug. Hugo offered her his hand and she grabbed it as she watched Jake stand up next. 

"It is just really frustrating, like Liam and I were doing so well and now I'm in a couple with a guy who I thought could tell I had no interest in him," the girl gazed at the ceiling to try and hold back her tears.

Jake coupled up with Liberty, and Aaron recoupled with Kaz. Anna smiled lightly when Teddy gave a lovely speech and chose to couple with Faye, and then it was Liam's turn. 

"So obviously the girl I fancy is now in another couple, but I want to couple up with this girl because I think she has a lot more to give to this villa. She is one of my best mates and I want her to have another chance to find a connection, so the girl I would like to couple up with is


Anna clapped softly and smiled at her friend and Liam as they sat down. 

"Its a shit situation Innit," Liam sighed. "I think Danny should've come to me because I honestly was blindsided, but I know Anna and I will be okay."

Lastly it came down to Toby who had to choose between Chloe and Sharon. Everyone knew before he spoke who he would choose so it wasn't a surprise when he chose Chloe. The girls all went to crowd around Sharon as she welled up. 

"I am so sorry hun," Anna hugged the girl. 

"I feel a bit shit because obviously Danny chose me when he could've chosen another single girl, maybe even Sharon," Anna sighed. "This whole situation has just made me upset."

"C'mere," Faye grabbed Anna who looked about ready to bust into tears as the girls helped Sharon pack. "How you feeling?"

"Like shit," she laughed. "Like he's chosen me knowing I don't like him? I made 0 effort after our date and now I'm going to have to sleep on the bloody day beds with Liam and get bit by bugs." 

Faye watched as the girl laughed through her tears and they headed back inside to walk Sharon out. 

"Bye darling!" Anna called as Liam wrapped his arms around her from behind. 

"Want to go have a chat?" He asked her as the group dispersed out to the garden. When she nodded he walked her to the day bed. 

"Liam I had no clue he would do that," she said sadly. "Like I thought making no effort would make it clear I don't like him like that but I guess I needed to stick it to my forehead."

"Babe, calm down," Liam soothed as he saw her getting worked up, kneeling in front of her. "This isn't your fault ok? Nothing between us is going to change, we'll just be sleeping out here for a bit. "

"That's what I said," she giggled as she wiped away a tear. "I just feel so shit about it."

"I know, but he is the one who made the choice not you, he should be feeling that way," Liam leaned forward to rest his forehead against hers. "It will all be ok."

"Anna, you mind if I have a chat," Danny's voice piped up from behind Liam. 

"You mind giving us a minute mate?" Liam sighed heavily as he looked over his shoulder. 

"Is this going to be a problem?" Danny raised an eye brow.

"Nah man, no problem," Liam stood up towering over the other boy. "I hope you don't think you're going to be making your way into bed with her though."

"Well couples share beds," Danny smirked. 

"Yeah they do so I'll be sleeping on a day bed with Liam," Anna shrugged from her seat. 

"You both are fucking ridiculous," Danny rolled his eyes and got ready to walk away. 

"Wanna say that again?" Liam walked towards the boy as Anna stood up. 

"You're both ridiculous," he raised his voice and turned back around. "Acting like you're in love after a week!"

"Mate, don't be lashing out because you like the girl and she doesn't like you back," Liam shrugged as he stared down a fuming Danny. 

"I thought I made it pretty clear I wasn't interested," Anna frowned at the angry boy. "Why would you want to couple up with a girl who hasn't showed you the time of day?"

"Hun you need to get over yourself," Danny laughed. "I know you liked me, you're just too afraid to look like a mug to perfect Liam."

"Who the fuck are you calling a mug?" Anna shouted incredulously. "Are you mental? I'm going to spell it out for you. I. Don't. Like. You. Is that direct enough?"

"You're a fucking tease Anna," Danny rolled his eyes and walked away again. 

"Hey, watch the way you fucking talk to her," Liam narrowed his eyes at the other boy's words. 

"Yeah? And what if I don't?" Danny whirled back around approaching Liam. 

"You're not going to treat her like that, I mean it," Liam stared the other boy down as he came chest to chest with him. 

"Oi, lets bring it down a notch," Hugo and Teddy approached and got in between the boys. 

"Watch your mouth, I'm serious," Liam pointed at the boy as Hugo lead him away. 

"This was not how I wanted tonight to go at all," Anna cried in the beach hut. "I just wanted to recouple with Liam, like why has all of this kicked off."


Alright guys, I am currently writing my casa amor chapters. would you guys prefer to have a headline challenge exposing jake for gassing the boys up to turn their heads, or have one of the casa girls say it either in place of lillies speech or just that first night back

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