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"Good morning," Liam grinned at the sleepy girl beside him. "You were tossing and turning all night."

"Yeah, I slept horribly," Anna curled up into his side. 

"Any particular reason?"

"I think just stress," she hummed as she kissed his cheek and got out of bed. 

"Some coffee for you," Anna didn't turn around when she heard Danny's voice, focusing on braiding her hair. 

"Anna," Lucinda nudged her. She turned around and raised an eyebrow when she saw the boy holding out a cup.

"Thanks," Anna said slowly as the boy grinned and walked away.

"What was that?" Liberty questioned. 

"I have no clue, like I don't even like coffee?" Anna frowned and gave the cup to Sharon. 

"So I know Anna said she was happy with Liam, but I am going to go after what I want." Danny leant back into the beach hut couch. "It is love island."


Liam was standing in the kitchen making tea when AJ approached him. "Could I get a cup?" She batted her lashes at him coyly. 

"Of course, let me finish Anna's first."

"Oh, Danny took her up some coffee," AJ informed the boy who chuckled. 

"Bad move from him she doesn't like coffee," he grinned as he dropped a tea bag in for Anna and poured another cup for AJ.

"Honestly, I really want to kiss you and see how it feels," AJ blurted out, Liam staring at her. 

"I would like you not to do that," he laughed. "I am very happy with Anna and I just don't think we have a connection like I do with Anna."

"I know," she sighed. "Be careful with Danny, I think he is going to keep going after her no matter what."


The islander's hung out during the day and Liam couldn't help but keep an eye on Danny. It seemed like Anna was avoiding the boy but he found a way to chat with her any ways. He did also chat with the other girls, but he was truly chasing Anna. 

"I just want to tan with Liam but I am looking over my shoulder waiting for Danny to pop up," Anna huffed.

The couple were sitting on the day bed after eating their lunch, watching Danny speak with AJ. "Wouldn't it be lovely if they coupled up," Anna joked as Liam grinned with her. 

"Can't be that easy love."


That night the islanders had gotten dressed and barely made it to the garden when Faye got a text. "Islanders, it's time to recouple. Please gather around the fire pit." 

Anna grabbed Liam's hand as they walked to the fire pit, her mind whirling at the possibilities. The girls lined up in front of the guys and waited for the first text to come through. Aj's phone rang.

"AJ, you and Danny are the newest arrivals to the villa. Therefore you both will get to choose who you would like to couple up with first."

Anna smiled tightly at Liam as AJ looked at the boys. 

"So I want to couple up with this boy because he is very handsome, he has a great personality, and I would just like the chance to get to know him more and explore if we can have that romantic connection. So the boy I would like to couple up with is,


The group clapped as AJ joined him on the couch. 

"Well, now we don't have to worry about AJ but Danny is the real wild card here," Anna commented from the beach hut.

Danny stood from his seat. "I want to couple up with this girl because since the moment I entered this villa I have been attracted to her personality. She is stunning and I want the chance to change her mind about is having a connection." 

Anna closed her eyes and buried her head in Fayes shoulder. 

"So the girl I would like to couple up with is


who do you think it is my little chickens?!

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