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"I have to ask... what's with the pants?" Natsuki says as she sets the cupcakes down. "Natsuki!" Yuri warns as she sets a pot of tea down on the table, though there was no way I could see her being intimidating in the slightest with her tone.

Me being one of the only girls in the school wearing pants obviously draws some curious stares, good thing all they do is talk though.

"Oh, it's fine Yuri. I have a dick," I say, waiting for the usual reactions. This could either go good or bad... and it's honestly 50/50.

Sayori takes this opportunity to get up and help Natsuki with the cupcakes... more like stealing some. I'd probably do the same though, with the way they look.

Yuri chokes on air, making me look at her in amusement. Monika doesn't say a word, seemingly lost in thought at my words. And Natsuki... well her face turns red with what I'd assume is embarrassment? I'm not too sure yet.

This all happened in a few seconds, and I'm honestly starting to wonder if I'll be able to keep up with them. Wait- I'm not even in the club... what am I saying-

"Y- you- If that's some kind of joke it's not funny" Natsuki manages to stutter out, face still red. I shake my head as I hold back my laughter, amused with their reactions.

"I'm serious, you wanna see it?" I say with a smirk, trying not to cringe from my words. Natsuki grows even redder... if that's possible at this point, missing Sayori scooping some icing from a cupcake on the tray. Yuri's eyes glaze over me and Monika laughs at Sayori's antics.

"She's trying not to laugh... she can't be serious," Natsuki grumbles, even though her eyes curiously trail over my body. "I thought that the first time too, but I've actually seen it." Monika says, noticing the curious and shocked stares looking her way.

"Nya! N- not like that! St- stop looking at me like that!" She cries out with a red face, realizing the way her words sounded to the rest of us. I can't help but laugh, wondering how she thought that's sounded innocent at all.

"I only saw the print when she was changing for gym one day, don't take that in a weird way," She says before we could speak, pointing her finger accusingly at us. "You're the one who made a big deal out of it," I say, ignoring her face getting even redder.

"Wait... is that why when you first came to the school a teacher made a big deal out of where you should go to the bathroom?" Natsuki says, apparently remembering.

I hum while nodding, "I'm surprised you remember that, she was such a Karen honestly. The principal eventually told her to lay off and I got to go back to the girls' bathroom." I say, shuddering in disgust at the thought of having to see the inside of the boys' bathroom again.

The girls nod, and I look over at Yuri, trying to gauge how she felt about all of it. She was still staring at me, her face slightly red.

"You haven't said anything this entire time, you okay?" I ask her, snapping her out of whatever state she was in. She looks at me with wider eyes when she realizes I'm talking to her.

"Yuri doesn't talk much, but I'm sure she doesn't mind," Sayori looks at Yuri for confirmation, causing her to nod again. "Y- yeah sorry. Just a little shocked that's all."

I nod, understanding, "Well, I was born like this. My parents actually thought I was a boy until the age of like... 12" I say remembering the look on their faces when they had to explain to me that I was different from other people. "How didn't the doctors catch that?" Monika asks, pouring some tea for all of us.

I shrug, not having the answer either, "Now that you say that... I'm wondering too. I don't mind though... I think it helped me explore my identity even more."

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