Chapter 62

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"You've found clothes...what a shame." Kol smirks as I walk into the room.

"Yes I did, sorry to disappoint you." I glare, before rolling my eyes. I join Klaus on the sofa, smiling slightly when I see he is drawing. He showed me a bunch of his drawings earlier. He's actually a pretty amazing drawer.

"Did you borrow Rebekah's clothes?" Klaus asks, not looking up from his drawing.

"Yeah, and her shower. I needed to freshen up." I say, taking out my phone. I ignore all the messages from Stefan, and just open up Tumblr. What would I do without Tumblr? It amuses me so much when I see posts about Twilight, and vampires. We're not like that.

"Well, well, well, there's our girl." Kol comments, and I look up seeing Rebekah walk into the room still in her dress fro last night. Great...she had sex with Damon. I don't even need to ask to know she did. Damon was a reckless mess last night, and Rebekah will always take advantage of that.

Rebekah tries to walk past him but Kol steps in front of her, not letting her buy. "Get out of my way Kol." Rebekah growls.

"Out all night, what a scandal." Kol grins, stepping in front of her once again when she tries to get buy. "I trust you did better than that commoner. Matt what is it?"

"If you don't shut your mouth then the next thing to come out of it will be your teeth." Rebekah threatens, causing me to smile slightly.

"Don't start Aria." Rebekah glares, shoving Kol out of the way.

"I didn't say anything." I smile, holding my hands up in innocence.

"At least Rebekah is having fun...I need entertainment." Kol complains, plopping down on the sofa.

"What are you waiting for then? Go on, have at it." Klaus says, giving his brother a bored look.

"It's no fun to go alone, join me Nik. It's the least you could do after sticking a dagger in my heart." Kol pouts.

"Okay, why not? I didn't have nearly enough to drink last night with you trying to murder Rebekah's date." Klaus smirks, getting up off the sofa. Oh yeah, Kol tried to murder Matt...

"Go on, this house has enough men rolling around in it." Rebekah calls out as they leave. Thanks for saying goodbye Klaus.

"Just like you Rebekah." Kol smirks, walking backwards for a second.

"Good riddance, both of you!" Rebekah yells, throwing her shoe at him as he walks out the door.

"So...did you and Damon have fun last night?" I ask, putting my phone away.

"Aria, I'm sorry, I know that you care about Damon. I swear it was nothing." Rebekah says quickly, thinking I'm mad or something.

I laugh, surprising her. "Did you have fun last night?"

"I guess...?" she frowns uncertain.

I stand up, giving her a quick hug. "Then I'm happy. I'm not mad Rebekah. I swear."

Rebekah smiles, "I definitely thought you'd be furious. I was honestly scared..."

I wink at her, "I'm a very reasonable person about this kind of stuff Bekah. Just ask Elena."

Rebekah rolls her eyes, "Oh yeah, you're great with anger management."

"I am." I grin, "Just like you."

"Yes, you're both well collected people. I think everyone knows that." Elijah comments walking into the room, but he has a troubled look on his face.

Arianna Gilbert (Vampire Diaries)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang