Season 3------Chapter 48

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The women walks out of her home, whistling for her dog. Sorry, he won't be coming back anytime soon. She frowns, walking over and picking up his leash and collar off the ground. As soon as she stands back up, Klaus and I are standing in front of her. She gasps, clutching her chest, obviously freaked out by us. She should be. 

"We're so sorry, we didn't mean to scare you." I smile, lying completely. 

"Can I help you two?" she questions, suspicious. 

"Yeah, my girlfriend and I's car ran out of gas awhile back. I feel like we've been walking forever. Yours is the first house we've ran into, so I was just hopping we could use your phone." Klaus shrugs, smiling innocently at the women and using that fake southern accent of his. He's quite good at it...  But girlfriend, really? Why am I always his freaking girlfriend in situations like this? Can't I be his sister or something?

"Don't one of you have a cell phone?" she accuses, super suspicious of us now. Good.

"I did, until my boyfriend here threw it out the window. He didn't like that I was texting another guy. He has issues sometimes. Major ones." I laugh amusing myself. "So I returned the favor and threw his out the window also. Apparently it wasn't the best time for me to do it."

"Look we aren't serial killers or anything. We just want to use your phone." Klaus sighs, getting fed up with waiting for this girl. 

"Fine." she finally agrees, starting to turn around. 

"So, we can come in?" Klaus smirks, needing for us to be invited in. It's weird not just being able to walk into houses anymore. I actually need permission. Eew.

"No, I'll bring it out to you." she answers, being safe. She should have just let us in...

"I thought country folk were supposed to be welcoming." Klaus glares, very fed up now.

"I'm from Florida." she glares back. I kind of like the sass in her. 

"That explains it." I smirk, speeding over and wrapping my hand around the girl's throat. "Now show us a little Southern Hospitably and invite us in." I compel, having the art of compulsion down now. 

"You two can come in." she cries, freaking out now. Aw come on, where did all that sass go. I liked it.

I look over at Klaus, rolling my eyes at the girls crying. Klaus grabs her arm, dragging her into the house with us. By the sound of it, there is someone in the kitchen cooking dinner. 

Klaus and I, along with the crying girl, come into the kitchen causing the other girl in there to stop cooking. "What's going on?" she asks, her eyes traveling over to her frightened friend.

"Please don't be alarmed, I'm told Ray Sutton lives here?" Klaus says, verifying his information. 

"He's almost never here, he's on the road mostly." the lady nervously replies, checking on her friend once again. 

"But I expect he makes it home once a month." I say, taking the girl from Klaus and dragging her forward a few steps. "If we have to make you tell us where he is, it's going to be so much more painful for you two." I warn. 

The women stares at us for a second, before taking off running down the hallway. Seriously? I roll my eyes, and casually follow her out of the room. She screams when she opens up the door, revealing Stefan who is patiently waiting outside. 

"I love it when they run." Klaus grins, holding the girl once again. 

"He's in Tally! It's near the border." the girl cries who tried to run. "A bar called Southern Comfort, it's off highway 41."

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