Chapter 36

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"Caroline, are you falling for my old boyfriend?" I tease, shooting her a playful glare. She's been spending a lot of time with Tyler lately, preparing him for his first turn tonight. He knows she's a vampire but he only knows about her, he doesn't know about Stefan and Damon. I wanted to be there for Tyler tonight but he doesn't know that I know he's a werewolf. I'm just some oblivious human to him. Plus, ever since Tyler became a werewolf, Damon won't let me near him. He's worried Tyler will loose his temper and hurt me or something.

"No! I just want to help him, those videos of Mason were horrifying. He was in so much pain, Aria." Caroline flinches, not wanting to remember the horrible videos. Apparently Mason took videos of when he turned and it's not an easy process.

"Well Mason doesn't feel any pain anymore." I smirk, causing Caroline to glare at me.

"He's Tyler's Uncle, don't be so...happy about his death." Caroline says, looking at her reflection in the mirror. I'm at her house, and we're going though her wardrobe. I think I might steal some of her clothes.

"He was an ass, so no, I won't act like I'm not happy. Because I'm thrilled, he freaked me out. And I wasn't acting happy, Caroline, I was gloating." I sigh, tossing a skimpy purple dress on the bed. "You actually wore this?"

She looks at it for a moment before shrugging, "It was sexy, it got Matt's attention." she smirks.

"So you still like Matt then?" I question, bringing us back to the original topic.

"Would you be mad if I did like Tyler?" she fires back.

"No, I have absolutely no feeling for him anymore. He's all yours Care." I smile, and I can see Caroline start to think about the possibility of dating Tyler. I've known her for a long time, I know what she's thinking. I know her different thinker faces.

"Maybe, he's hot." Caroline grins, before looking down at her watch. "Speaking of him, I have to meet him at the Grill soon."

"Oh before I get going, did you hear what I did to Elena?" I smirk proud of myself.

"Do I even want to know?" Caroline sighs, knowing I'm very, very pissed at Elena right now. I told her about what Elena said to me, it even pissed Caroline off.

"Yeah, you do. I knew Elena wouldn't listen to Damon and I about staying away from the tomb. Or running off to Klaus, to have herself killed. So...I made sure she wasn't going to leave anytime soon. I had a little help from Bonnie, surprisingly, though." I say, feeling smug with myself.

"I'm guessing you had Bonnie do some kind of spell?" Caroline guesses.

"Yup." I nod, popping the P. "I had Bonnie do kind of like a boundary spell thing. Elena is stuck inside of the house. If she tries to leave, she'll run into like an invisible wall." I laugh.

Caroline shakes her head, smiling slightly. "Remind me never to piss you off."

"Actually, I think Elena is the one that needs reminding." I smirk.


I open up our front door, surprised to see it's unlocked. Normally Elena, or Jenna locks it. Jeremy couldn't care less, as long as no ones steals any of his shit.

I walk into the living room, where Elena is pouting on the couch, hugging a pillow. "You should really lock the front door, safety measures and all." I smirk, and she glares at me. "Aww, come on pouty. At least give me two points for ingenuity."

"Do you think this is funny?" Elena demands, still looking at me with a fierce glare.

"Yes Elena, I find hilarity in the lengths I have to go to, to repeatedly save your life and keep you from doing stupid shit." I respond sarcastically.

Arianna Gilbert (Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now