Chapter 47

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I pull my hair back, putting it in a messy ponytail. I don't have the energy to try and do it nicely. I was out all last night with Caroline, learning to harness my new vampire abilities. At least I can snatch, eat, and erase now, instead of wanting to drain them dry. Thankfully Bonnie made me a ring, so I'm not trapped inside all day, hiding from the sun. That would suck so bad.

I feel a presence behind me and spin around, frowning when I see Damon standing in my room. I haven't heard from him since the funeral, he hasn't helped me at all. He has just ignored me, even through he promised to help me.

"Finally decided to talk to me?" I demand, raising my eyebrows.

"I'm sorry Aria, I know I promised you that I would be here for you." Damon apologizes, very lamely I might add.

"Sorry isn't really good enough Damon. I forgave you for feeding me your blood. But I am a vampire because of you, I thought you'd at least have the decency to teach me how to be one. You promised me you would be here for me, well, you haven't been." I glare, shaking my head.

"I'm sorry." he whispers, looking down at the ground.

"And I'm sorry too. I'm sorry that I can't just let this one go. I-I need time to forgive you Damon. This has been hard for me, and it would have been easier with you here for me. I wouldn't be so mad if you didn't promise to help." I admit, not able to bring myself to just forgive him this time.

"I understand." Damon nods, he leans down kissing my forehead lightly. "I love you Aria, please remember that."

I frown, "Is something wrong Damon?"

"No, nothing is wrong." he hesitates, before he gives me a sad smile "Goodbye Aria.", I'm about to respond but he's already gone. I look around my room, confused. What is wrong with him? He was talking like he is going to die or something.

Something is wrong, I know it.

I pick up my phone, dialing Stefan. He answers immeaditly, "Hey."

"What's wrong with Damon? He's acting weird."

"He didn't want me to tell you Aria." Stefan sighs, sounding conflicted.

"Well now you have to because I am forcing you. I'm a vampire now Stefan, which means I can threaten your well being." I growl, not having the patience to argue with him.

"Fine, when he was saving Tyler and Caroline the other night before the sacrifice in the woods...Tyler was in transition...he bit Damon." Stefan states. Oh God, no. Werewolf bites kill vampires...

I drop the phone, bringing my hand up to my mouth in horror. Damon is, no. He was over here, asking for my forgiveness and I basically told him to screw off. I wouldn't forgive could I do that? I'm a terrible person....

I will save him though, Stefan and I will find a way. I know they say there is no cure but there has to be one. Elena and I wasn't suppose to survive the sacrifice but we both did, against all odds.

Damon is going to be fine. He has to be.


"Why am I meeting you out in the middle of the woods, at a creepy house?" I ask, frowning at the shit-shack in front of me. It's seriously scary, and there's something about it that puts me off.

"Bonnie is upstairs, she's going to try and contact her witch ancestors. Hopefully they know of a cure." Stefan responds, "She said here was the best place to do it." Stefan has the same look I do about this house.

"Okay then..." I sigh, trying to put on a brave face.

"But be careful in there, apparently this house doesn't like vampires very much." Stefan warns, cautiously pushing the door to the house open.

Arianna Gilbert (Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now