Chapter 68

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I look down in surprise when I see Caroline's number flashing across my screen. What the hell? I thought we hated each other or something. I shrug, pressing ignore, but she just calls back a few minutes later. I let out a sigh, bringing the phone to my ear.

"Don't we hate each other?" I demand.

"Are-are you alone? Where no one can hear you?" she asks, her voice barely a whisper.

I frown, "Yeah, I'm at a store. What's wrong?"

Suddenly there's static on the other line before a voice comes on that I never thought I'd hear again. "Why hello Aria."

"Ric...?" I whisper, not understanding how he's alive.

"I have your friend Aria, and if you don't come to the school, I'll make her feel even worse pain than she already is." Alaric threatens, getting right down to business. So he's a vampire then...just like Esther wanted.

"What makes you think I care? Why would I walk into danger for someone I hate?" I question, but I already know I'm going. I can't leave Caroline there alone, even if we hate each other.

"You were best friends, you've known her all your life. I know you'll come. If you aren't here in 20 minutes in my room...I kill her." the line goes dead, leaving me standing there in shock.

If I go Alaric will capture me, most likely torturing me. If I don't, Caroline dies...damn it, why can't I be all bad?

I have to go help her even if I do die trying. At least I would have died a hero and not a villain. Hopefully Damon or someone will realize that Alaric has me, and come save my ass.

I hop into my car, speeding out of the parking lot. A few people honk at me, but I ignore them, flying 60 down a very, narrow street. If Alaric doesn't kill me, my driving will.

"Shit!" I curse, veering to the left quickly when I see a car coming. The car spins for a second, but I regain control, continuing to fly towards the school. I get there in 10 minutes easily, parking in the lot.

I get out of the car, slamming the door closed behind me. I can't believe I'm about to do this. I take a deep breath, before speeding into the school. I decide to walk at normal pace towards Alaric's room. Not wanting to just run in there to my death. I'll walk to my death instead.

I walk into Alaric's room, my mouth falling open when I see Caroline. She's sitting at a desk, not by choice, with a pencil stabbed into each hand, keeping her in the seat. He tied a cloth around her mouth and by the looks of it, it has vervain on it.

I feel someone appear behind me, and I instantly know it's Alaric. I surprise him by spinning around and stabbing a vervain syringe into his neck. He obviously didn't see it coming because he didn't stop me.

He looks at me startled, his eyes rolling back into his head before collapsing. That won't knock him out for long. I need to hurry. For once I can't be slow and lazy.

I run over to Caroline, pulling out the pencils. I wince when the vervain burns my hands, but I throw them down quickly. I prepare myself before untying the cloth, the vervain making me want to scream.

"Aria I-" I cut her off.

"No time to kiss now Care, we gotta go." I urge, causing her to nod. We both hurry out of the room, but I don't get far before something grabs me throwing me back. I look up at very angry Alaric, his eyes blazing with fury. I glance past him at Caroline who stopped, looking at me worriedly. "Run! I'll be fine!" I yell, just wanting her to get out.

Alaric glances back, looking like he's going to go after her. I let out a battle cry, running at him full speed tackling him to the floor. He growls at me, easily throwing me off. I just needed to distract him so Caroline could get out.

Arianna Gilbert (Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now