Chapter 26

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As Luke stood in front of the shop, simply staring debating what to do next, he suddenly heard Mason's voice. 

"We may have a problem," Mason said through mind link, sounding somewhat nervous... 

"What?" Luke snapped back, probably a little bit harsher than intended. 

"I can't seem to find the cottage..." Mason replied. 

Without even replying Luke started making his way over to the cottage. For a moment he had to hold himself back, make sure he didn't shift in the middle of town. With large strides he marched towards the edge of town, towards the woods, ready to shift. 

The second he knew he could shift, he did, immediately dashing through the forest, his might on one thing, and one thing only, finding her...

The trees whizzed by right and left as he got closer and closer, his emotions fully taking hold. It was then that he reached the place he recognized, a place where her cabin should be. Frantically he looked around as his eyes fell upon Mason, who was in human form looking at him with a sad expression clear on his face. 

"I don't know where it is..." He said walking over to his Alpha still in wolf form, "We've searched the perimeter, but honestly, it's like it disappeared in thin air." 

Luke looked at Mason for a moment, then at the empty space, then Mason again, before letting out a long and sad howl...

Even though Sapphira was deep down in her basement, the sound of the growl still echoed through the room. Looking up from the cauldron she not only heard it but felt it, resonate deep within her, calling out to her, pulling at her. Surprised she froze for a moment, simply looking up, in the direction that she sound was coming from, as if she could see him. Right in front of her stood her cauldron, bubbling gently as a green vapour escapted from it. 

It was the scent change that got Sapphira back out from her trance, causing her head to snap down. Immediately her attention was back to it, as she continued with her preparation. Yet in the back of her mind, her thought was on the mate bond, the connection that they shared, how it did truly affect her. 

But she also knew that she couldn't, nor wouldn't give up everything for him. To just throw away all that was important to her and become his little "Luna".  She didn't even want to become a Luna, she didn't even really know what the hell it even meant...

Back up on the surface Luke had shifted back, returned to his human form and stood in the now empty space, pacing around, "She can't just have disappeared..." He muttered, knowing Mason would still hear, "She's got to be somewhere..." 

"She's out there." Mason said walking over to him and placing a hand on his shoulder, "I know it." 

"Don't!" Luke bellowed as he shook his hand on his shoulder, "Just find her!" He yelled, as he felt his wolf bubbling to the surface, threatening to take over, and hunt, hunt for his mate. 

A deep growl ripped from his throat as he felt his wolf getting closer and closer, clouding his mind and slowly taking over. It took nearly all he had to push him back, and a small part of him almost let him, for all he wanted was to just find her. 

The growl was the second sound from the alpha that reached Sapphira's ears. Yet again startling her causing her to halt and look up. The pull she felt this time was stronger, deeper, as it almost sounded anamalistic... Was that his wolf?

Looking down at her potion she realised a few things, 

1. The potion was ready

2. Something deep inside her wanted to go back to him and be with him. 

3. She couldn't let him walz over her.

With that determination crossed her face as she grabbed a vile and a large bottle from the shelf behind her. "Let's see what he thinks of this..." She muttered as she started filling both with the contents of the cauldron.

Once both had been filled and corked the fire underneath the cauldron went out, as the remaining liquid disappeared. Immediately Sapphira walked away, out of the basement as the lights in the portion room flickered out. 

With the vile in one hand and the bottle in the other, she practically ran up the stairs until she reached her kitchen. The door behind her swung closed with a bang as she made her way over to her hallway. Percy sprung up ever so slightly, startled by his owner and giving her the side-eye. 

From her hallway she simply looked through the window, trying to spot the wolves that were most likely outside. As she peeked through her curtains she did indeed notice quite a few, some in wolf form others in human. But her eye almost immediately fell upon the figure standing on the far left, looking both angry and sad at once. 

Even from this distance, she could almost feel the storm that was raging through his body as she looked at his eyes. For a moment their eyes locked, and even though she knew he couldn't see her, it still felt as if he did, as if he was looking right back at her. 

She sighed as she looked down at her hands, at the vile and the bottle, "Well here goes nothing..." She muttered opening the bottle and taking a large gulp of it. As she felt the liquid slide down her throat, she also felt a tingling sensation move through her body signaliging that it was working. 

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