Chapter 8

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The second that scent hit him Alpha Luke knew... His mate was here, and she was in danger. The scream moments before had already set him on edge, but this drove him off it. 

He burst out of the house and sprinted to the source, and he saw her, lying motionless on the ground, with a rogue standing over her. 

Immediately something snapped within him as suddenly all he saw was red, and a wave of primordial anger overtook him. The wolf from deep within ripped through the human outside as he shifted in an instant. 

It all happened so fast that when asked about this later on Luke would say that he simply couldn't remember. But the next thing he knew the rogue was lying dead on the ground...

As he turned back to his mate he noted three things, his mate was the witch, she was unconscious and Angelica stood bowed over her. Pushing his sister out of the way he rushed over to Sapphira examining the damage.

"Shit." He murmured as he took in the sight of the mauled body before him. 

"She needs a doctor," Angelica said, "I don't think she'll heal without one."

Luke didn't say anything as he simply lifted Sapphira off the ground starting walking in the direction of the doctor. As he started walking, however, suddenly a voice rang out behind him. 


The Alpha stopped in his tracks, turning back around to face his Beta. 

"I have something that may help." Mason said as he came closer, "She gave me this potion..." He said holding up the vile, "In case Sophie ever got hurt, she said it could heal nearly every wound." 

Luke furrowed his brows as he stared at the vile, "Do you really think it'll work?" He said gazing down at his limp mate. 

Mason nodded, "Yeah, let's get her inside and lay her down on the couch. 

Without saying a word Luke followed Mason into a living room and gently placed Sapphira on the couch. 

"Now she just has to drink this," Mason said as he removed the cork from the vile and moved over to her. "If I may?" He asked motioning to the vile. 

"Go ahead," Luke said with urgency behind it. 

Gently, Mason pushed Sapphira's mouth open and poured the liquid into it, hoping that this would work. 

For a couple of seconds, the Alpha and Beta watched the witch as nothing happened. In fact, they had been so focussed on her that they didn't even notice Angelica walking in until she spoke up. "Shouldn't you be getting her to a doctor?"

The Alpha and the Beta, however, didn't respond as they both still had their eyes trained upon Sapphira. 

When nothing happened Mason sighed running a hand through his hair, "I'm sorry I just had to try..." 

But then right before their very eyes, Sapphira's wounds started to close. Slowly but surely the grew smaller and smaller until they disappeared. Within a matter of seconds, nobody would even be able to tell that she had been mauled by a wolf just minutes before. 

And as the wounds disappeared, a gasp left Sappihra's mouth as she shot up into a sitting position. Her eyes were wide open with a panicked look as she took in her surroundings. 

Before Sapphira could process everything however, she was enveloped in a hug. Startled by this she stiffened, as the scent of the Alpha filled her nostrils and she noticed just how muscular those arms really were. Confused, she felt his hold tighten on her as he burrowed his face in the crook of her neck. 

Not quite knowing how to respond she decided to just wait for it to be over...

"Luke let her go, you're suffocating the poor girl." Angelica said as she roughly pulled her brother away from Sapphira. 

"How are you feeling?" Mason asked her as he placed a hand on her back. Immediately a growl erupted from Luke's throat, signalling his disapproval of that action. 

"Oh shush, he's not gonna try and steal her away." Angelica scolded, slapping her brother. 

"I think I'm fine..." Sapphira said running a hand through her hair as she looked at the people around her, trying to figure out just how she came into this position.  It was then that her last memory hit her, the rogue... Her eyes went wide as she realised just what had happened."Did you use that potion I gave you on me?" 

Mason nodded, "Yeah I did." 

"That stuff is a little bit too potent for me..." She replied, "It was made for humans like your wife, but for a witch, it's a bit too much of a good thing."

"Let me go and get you a glass of water," Angelica said as she walked out of the room. 

Sapphira then turned to the Alpha, "Is the boy alright?"

Luke's brows furrowed in confusion before realisation crossed his face, "He's safe, nothing hurt him." He said. 

Sapphira nodded, "Good, then at least it wasn't for nothing..." 

Angelica then returned with a glass of water and handed it to Sapphira who eagerly took it. Sappihra's hands shook ever so slightly as she brought it up to her lips and drunk it. 

"What even happened?" Angelica said as she leaned against the wall, "I saw a rogue, but I don't really understand..." 

As Sapphira finished the glass of water Mason took it from her and placed it upon a table behind him. "I went outside for some air..." Sapphira started, pausing for a moment, "And then I heard a boy crying, so I went to check it out and then I noticed the rogue." 

"Why did you decide to risk your own life?" Alpha Luke said in a somewhat demanding tone. 

Confused Sapphira looked at him, "To keep the boy from harm?" She said, intending it to be a statement, but it ended up sounding like a question. 

"Why didn't you call for help?"

"Because I didn't think of it." Sapphira said, slowly getting agitated by the behaviour of the Alpha, "Witches aren't exactly used to being able to ask for help." 

A low growl resonated from Luke, displaying just how unsatisfied he was with the answer. He then spoke up again, "And your magic?"

"Couldn't use it," Sapphira replied, brows furrowing as she stared him down.

"Why not?" Luke said as he took a step closer to her. 

"Because of you." She replied, clearly not backing down, "You're the one that didn't want me to use my magic." 

"So even with your life at stake, you adhere to that rule?" 

"Of course not; I took a potion to diminish my abilities. I used everything I had left to deal the damage I did." 

Luke continued to stare her dead in the eyes, not saying anything for a moment, before he nodded, "Never take that potion again." 

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