Chapter 2

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Confused Sapphira stared at the invitation that she was still holding. Why would she, a witch, be invited to the birthday party of a werewolf? I mean the mere thought was absolutely preposterous. 

'Especially this witch and that wolf', she thought as she started making her way over to the kitchen, leaving the rest of her mail disregarded on the floor. 

Grabbing a chair she sat down at her kitchen table, the invitation still in hand. "I just don't understand..." She mumbled as Percy sauntered into the kitchen as well. 

Staring down at the invitation her mind started to wander off to the various encounters she'd had with the Alpha... 

The first time had been when she'd just turned eighteen and had been living in her cabin for three days. On that particular day, she had decided to explore the area and learn about her surroundings. So she had been walking through the forest, minding her own business when she was suddenly jumped by a rather large, brown, wolf. 

Scared out of her mind she had screamed for her dear life until the wolf suddenly changed back into a very jacked, very naked man. And honestly, that didn't make things better. 

This, however, wasn't the 'great' Alpha. The Alpha was the man who suddenly appeared behind the naked man and ordered him to get off of her. Quickly she scrambled back up again, her hand already reaching for the wand that hung on her waist. 

"Don't." Came the low threatening growl from the Alpha. She looked back at him, the tall dark figure that towered over her. He looked at her the disdain clearly visible on his face. "What are you doing on my territory?" He spat at her. 

Sapphira blinked, scared out of her mind and hesitated before stammering out, "I... I... I didn't know this was your territory..." 

The Alpha huffed, "Well you're not human, nor a wolf so what are you?" 

At that Sapphira looked down at the ground, not willing to meet his eyes. For she knew that if he knew just what she was he would not be kind to her... And that her orange eyes would give her away the second she looked at him. 

"No pointy ears I see..." He said crossing his arms, "Or wings..." 

Still, she kept her eyes focussed on the ground, trying to figure out how to get away. She knew that she couldn't use her wand and that he'd most likely outrun her. 

"You don't smell like mermaid, that's for sure..." He said in threatening voice while stepping closer to her. "Now look me in the eye."

The second he said that Sapphira froze, keeping her gaze down. 

"Interesting..." He mused, "You don't want to look me in the eye... Now, what species has a recognizable eye colour? Vampires have red eyes, but I can hear a heartbeat. A very fast one, but a heartbeat non the less." He took another step forward, causing Sapphira to stumble back. "No..." He said in almost an amused tone. "I guess I've found a little witch." 

At that Sapphira looked up at him instantly, their eyes locking the second she did so. She then realised that she'd given herself away. She drew in a sharp breath as she saw his eyes changing to a bright, almost light-emitting yellow. Once more her hand reached for her wand. 

"DON'T!" He almost barked at her and she flinched, withdrawing her hand once more. "Now what are you doing on my territory?" He continued, in a strained, but calm voice. 

"I..." Sapphira breathed out, looking away from him for a second composing herself, "I didn't know it was your territory." Her voice sounded stronger this time. 

The powerful Alpha shook his head, "Fine... Let's say for now I believe you and I'm letting you go.  Just know next time I won't be so lenient."

Sapphira was shocked for a moment at what he had said, but she didn't want him to change his mind so quickly she nodded and turned around to leave. 

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