Chapter 5

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Standing in his bedroom doorway Alpha Luke sighed as he saw the suit, neatly laying on his bed.  Shaking his head he walked over to it, a sad smile appearing on his face, his mother must have put it there, a reminder for tonight. But then again, how could he forget?

By now he was 27 years old, and still very much alone...  A feat that not many werewolves accomplish, and one he wasn't particularly proud of. With every birthday that came, he was reminded of this fact, as every birthday those around him invited new unmated females, all in the hope that one of them would be the one. 

Many times he found his thoughts straying to his mate... Trying to figure out where she was, and at this point hoping that she even existed. In his head he had explored every possible outcome, maybe she lived in a different country, and he just had to travel the world. Maybe she wasn't of age yet and she was simply many years his junior, although that theory did creep him out a little bit. But at this point, he wouldn't mind it if she was just 16, he just needed to know she existed. To know that the world had granted him such a thing as a mate. To know that she hadn't passed away before they met yet. 

He shook the thought and terror that came with it away as he went over to his bed to grab the suit. He should probably start getting ready...

Once he had donned the suit, straightened his tie and made sure that his hair looked just right, he decided he was ready. With slight apprehension, he walked over to his bedroom door, 'Let's just get this over with.' He thought.

The second he opened his bedroom door his nostrils were filled with a myriad of scents that came from downstairs. He paused for a moment, breathing them in, hoping one of them would be his mate. Though he quickly learned that once again, she wasn't there. 

He felt slightly defeated as he stepped out of his room closing the door behind him. By now he knew that he shouldn't get his hopes up, but every time he still did. Composing himself and straightening his back to stand up tall he started his descent down the stairs and into the crowd of people. 

Many of the party guests turned to the birthday boy as he made his entrance, congratulating him with smiles upon their faces. 

What he was currently unaware of, however, was that a mere 30 feet away from him stood a woman with burgundy hair in a long black evening dress. In one hand she held a glass of champagne and in the other, she held her clutch. Casually she sipped her champagne as she observed everyone around her. 

It was then that a warm hand touched her bare back, startling her ever so slightly. She turned and came face to face with a one she now called a friend, "Mason why'd you scare me like that." She said, playfully punching him with the hand that held the clutch. 

"Ouch..." He said faining hurt, "That hurts you know." 

"Oh shut it." Sapphira said taking another drink from her champagne. 

"I must say though..." Mason started, taking a step back to assess Sapphira's outfit, "You look absolutely gorgeous." 

"Why thank you." Sapphira said with a sly smile, "Don't you think it's too much? I mean I am trying to fit in." 

"I like it, but I do kinda miss the orange eyes tho." He replied.

"You don't like my brown eyes?" Sapphira said placing one hand on her chest.

"I like the brown eyes, I just think the orange suit you better. But I do like the dress and everything, it kind of makes you look like a Disney villain." Sapphira hit him once more with the clutch, "A very gorgeous Disney villain." He quickly added. 

"Now that's more like it." Sapphira said chuckling, "Now where's your wife? I've been dying to meet her." 

Mason shook his head as he grabbed a glass of champagne from a waiter that walked by, "She isn't here tonight."

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