Chapter 20

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"Shit..." She muttered as she closed her eyes and muttered yet another spell. 

Confused the two men watched her as she just stood there, mumbling to herself with her eyes closed. They looked at each other for a moment before Luke took a step towards her, "Sapphira?" He said softly. 

She didn't reply, but only mere seconds after her eyes shot open, flashing green for a second before turning back to their normal orange. 

"What the hell was that?" Mason stated, his brows furrowed, "Please tell me you weren't conjuring the dead or something like that?" 

Sapphira chuckled, "No I tried, they didn't answer." She said jokingly, "I tried telling my cat to return, but I can't seem to properly reach her, I need to go out and find her, she probably just returned home." She added as she grabbed her bag and started walking away

"Where do you think you're going?" Luke asked confused as he followed her. 

"I'm getting my cat." She said grabbing the wand from her bag as she used it to unlock the front door, "You're welcome to join." 

A growl left Luke's mouth as he grabbed the arm that held the wand, stopping her from taking one step out of the house, "You're doing no such thing." He said as he turned a bright yellow and the grip on her wrist tightened. 

Taken aback by this action Sapphira accidentally let go of the wand, letting it tumble into the ground. A hiss of pain left her mouth as his fingers dug into the flesh of her wrist. Without thinking she used magic to ignite her wrist, effectively burning Luke who quickly withdrew his hand, letting hers go. 

The second he withdrew his hand she pulled hers to her chest, shielding it with the other, "What the hell." She exclaimed, shock clear in her voice as she stared at him with wide eyes. 

Looking down at his burned hand he watched the wounds heal before turning to Mason, "Go and fetch both the book and the cat." He said in a monotone voice. 

He then turned his attention to Sapphira, who was still clutching her wrist. His eyes softened as a pained look on his face appeared. He then crouched down and picked up the fallen wand, holding it out for her to take. With a scowl on her face, she grabbed the wand and started walking back into the house, not saying a word. 

This action took Luke by surprise, as he was unsure what she was doing. She then proceeded to walk into the same bathroom as she had used before, without closing the door behind her. Gently she placed her wand next to the sink as she turned on the faucet.

He watched as she placed her, now bruised, wrist underneath the stream of water, another hiss of pain leaving her mouth as she did so. 

"I didn't mean to hurt you like that," Luke said confidently as he walked into the bathroom. 

Sapphira didn't reply as she just glared at him through the mirror. 

She then turned her attention back to her wrist, cooling it with the water. After a while, she grabbed the wand, pointing it at the bruise. Muttering a spell under her breath a light emitted from the wand. 

Luke stayed quiet as he watched how the bruises disappeared, right before his very eyes. Once she was done she turned the faucet off.

"Are you alright?" He asked, watching as she turned to face him once more. 

"You just intentionally injured me," She replied, pushing past him, "What do you think?"

He turned around as she stopped on the other side of him, "It was not intentional, besides you burned me." He replied rubbing the back of his neck. 

"Not intentional?" She all but yelled back, "Tell me, how do you do that unintentionally? And I burned you out of self-defence, besides you were healed before you even let go of me."

"I didn't think it would hurt you when I did it." He replied stepping closer to her, "I just didn't want you to leave." 

Sapphira took a step back, "Don't." She said, "Don't come near me right now." 

Luke tensed as she said that and she turned her back to him. 

"You're lucky that I don't leave right now." She said as she started walking back to the library. 

"Lucky?" Luke said, slowly getting angry as he followed her, "You shouldn't have tried to leave in the first place." 

Sapphira groaned in annoyance, "Just shut up." 

"What did you just say to me?" He said in an oddly calm voice. 

"Just shut up!" Sapphira yelled whipped around, glaring at him in anger. 

Once more his eyes turned yellow as he opened her mouth to respond. Before had the chance however someone got in between.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Angelica bellowed as she came walking down the stairs and stood in between the two, "Why are you two arguing?"

As she stood in between the witch and the Alpha she looked back in forth between the two, noting how they both looked on the verge of exploding. But neither of them said a word as they just looked at each other angrily. 

"Well?" Angelica said, daring them to talk. 

"She disobeyed me!" Luke yelled, causing Sapphira to scoff. 

"He physically attacked me." Sapphira rebutted. 

"You did what?" Angelica said turning to Luke, "You hurt your own mate?"

"I didn't mean to, it was an accident." Luke said, "She was about to leave."

"To get my cat!" Sapphira yelled back, "I was gonna come back." 

"Wait you have a cat?" Angelica asked, turning to Sapphira. 

"Yeah," Sapphira replied, somewhat confused. 

"Aw, is it a boy or a girl?" 


"What's his name?" Angelica said, suddenly no longer interested in their argument. 

 "Percival?" Sapphira replied, sounding a little unsure.

"I love him already," Angelica said with a smile on her face. "Now as for you." She said turning towards her brother, "Try not to hurt her again will ya." She added before walking away from the, now confused, mates. 

Despite the fact that their interaction was a bit, strange, the tension between Sapphira and Luke had now lessened, and in a way, they had calmed down a bit. Without saying anything Sapphira went back to the library, and Luke followed. 

As she sat down in the same chair as before she noticed that his eyes were still yellow. Despite the fact that she didn't know what exactly this meant, it still seemed strange to her. 

"What?" Luke asked, a little bit harshly. 

"Nothing." She said as he sat down on the couch next to her. "I was just wondering..." She started, grabbing his attention, "Why are your eyes still yellow?"

Luke sighed raking a hand through his hair. "Don't worry about it."

But just by looking at him, Sapphira knew something was off. His entire body seemed tense, as did the look on his face as if he just couldn't calm down. 

Unsure of what to do Sapphira just tried to shake it off as she grabbed the book again and opened it. She then searched for the chapter about mates, more specifically, Alpha's mates. 

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