chapter 81-90

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Chapter 81 The out of control Nan Lin Wang (1)

Wanyan Bao Zhu and Mu Yu Dei galloped away on their horses. They didn't even turn back their heads, fearing that the man with the scar may regret his actions and bring them back.

When the two were far away, the man with the scar and the others dismounted their horses. They came to Murong Qi Qi and bowed respectfully.

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Murong Qi Qi turned and swept her eyes over these serious faces, one by one. Then she laughed.

"Brothers, long time no see! Looks like you are in great spirits!"

"Heihei, miss, we're all very good. We just miss you!"

The shorty touched his head and laughed,

"Su Mei sent a letter and said there are people who want to harm you. We rushed over. Miss, you won't blame us for being meddlesome, right?!"

"How would I?! You came at the right time!"

The man with the scar led a horse to Murong Qi Qi. Murong Qi Qi mounted the horse. She changed from the weak appearance to a formidable and valiant look.

"Let's go! Let's get those two bitches back!"

On the road, Murong Qi Qi found out that when she had left, Su Mei had been following them. Later, she sent a pigeon with a letter to the man with the scar which resulted in them waiting here.

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"Tie Xue, you said you encountered Wu Ji Gong's people?"

Murong Qi Qi was somewhat surprised. She also told the man with the scar about Wu Ji Gong's soft fragrance powder.

"Then where are Wu Ji Gong's people? Where did you bring them to?"


The man with the scar laughed.

"They are just some disdainful things. Killed them to avoid them dirtying miss's eyes!"

"Not bad! We can push this matter onto Wu Ji Gong's head!"

Not long after, Murong Qi Qi and the others caught up with Wanyan Bao Zhu and Mu Yu Die. When the two saw that the man with the scar had chased after them, they were very scared.

"What do you want to do? Didn't you say that you will let us go? Why do you go back on your words now?"

"I indeed wanted to let you guys go, but my family's miss is unwilling."

The men opened a road. Murong Qi Qi riding a horse, went to Wanyan Bao Zhu and Mu Yu Die.

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"The two of you run really slow, ah!"

"You! It's you!"

Wanyan Bao Zhu was very surprised. After the surprise, came the anger.

"Murong Qi Qi, you actually colluded with bandits and wanted to plot against bengong1!"


Murong Qi Qi gently clapped.

"Thief calling thief. Princess's ability to bite is very good, ah! If it wasn't because you deliberately took me out of the city and also used soft fragrance powder in the incense, I'll also wouldn't think of a way to deal with you. Now, you're saying that I plotted against princess; then if I don't kill you, then wouldn't I let your good intentions go to waste?!"

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