2: Grilled cheese

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_*trigger warning: mentions of abuse, suicide. Suicidal thoughts.
Elyse POV

I am woken by the banging of the door. I groan as I sit up and rubbed my eyes. Making my way downstairs, the banging still doesn't stop. My dad didn't come home last night and I'm grateful for that. Who knew what he would've done. "Ugh okay, I'm coming." I yell.

I open the door, ready to hit the person that woke me up like this, however, when I lay eyes on his beautiful grey eyes, I forget all my anger.

"Good morning, sleepyhead. We're late for school. All because you wouldn't wake up." He says as he walks in the house, ruffling my hair.

Sin had been picking me up and dropping me off from school since he got a car. Even though he lives in a different neighborhood he insisted on it.

"I must've missed my alarm. Let me go get dressed real quick." And with that I walk upstairs to get dressed. I have a quick shower and get dressed. I walked back downstairs and smelled the most amazing thing. I knew exactly what it was. My favorite.

Sin's famous grilled cheese.

Well, he only makes it for me so I guess it isn't famous. It's famous to me.

He walks towards me with a packed grilled cheese in his hand, wearing an all black tracksuit. "Let's go I made you your breakfast. You can eat it in the car." He says with a small smile.

I run towards him engulfing him in a big hug and he immediately wraps his arms around me, hugging me tightly. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." I say after pulling away from leaving kisses all over his face.

"Your welcome angel. Now let's go. We're already late."


With the loud noise of the bell, I let out a deep sigh. Finally. I've been sitting at almost 2 hours of math and it's safe to say I don't understand shit.

"Don't worry I'll help you cheat on the tests." Tyler says from the table next to me. "I know you will." I say cockily, a smirk on my face. We both started walking to the cafeteria. Tyler put his hands around my shoulders as we walked through the hallways.

Tyler was a popular guy. He was friends with everyone. The jocks. The 'bad boys'. The drug dealers. The nerds- for homework. The cheerleaders. He was friends with all of them.

We sat at our usual table. Selene and Spence were already sitting and talking. Honestly, they were probably flirting. We all knew Selene and Spence like each other. I think they didn't realize it yet. They didn't realize how they flirted. How they looked at each other.

Selene stops her conversation with Spence and moves her attention to me. "ELYSEEEE!!" She says with a squeal. She pulls me to sit next to her and Tyler follow, sitting to my right.

"Babe we have to go clubbing. This new club opened up and everyone's going." Selene says with obvious excitement. "Yessss! I haven't been clubbing in a while now. Can we go tonight?" I ask.

I flinch when I feel arms wrap around me from behind but quickly relax when I hear his voice.


"Where we going tonight?" He says, leaving a kiss on my shoulder. "Clubbing. All of us together." Selene answered for me.

Sin gives a quick nod as greeting to Tyler, Spence and Selene as he lets go of me, telling Tyler to move so he could sit next to me. Tyler glares at him but complies, moving over.

Even though we have all been friends for years now Sin has never been very close to them. or to anyone else for that matter. He has been the most close to me and taken a liking to Spence. Sin never liked Tyler for some unknown reason.

𝐌𝐲 𝐒𝐢𝐧 ✔️ Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon