14: Not worthless

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Make sure you've read previous chapter.
Trigger warning: abuse
Elyse POV

I got to Hurry the fuck up before he comes.
I was now looking through his phone trying to find the footage he had on me. This disgusting fuck, forced me to make out with him in an empty classroom. And after he finished I asked him to get me more of those pills and made sure he left his phone. Granted I really did need more pills. Those pills were seriously godsent.

I recently found out that this dumbass didn't make copies. And, after what Sin said the other night, I'm so fucking determined to get myself out of this situation. To tell him I love him. To tell him that he isn't just a chapter but he's my whole story. Beginning, middle, and end.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I heard Tyler's voice say.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

I turned around and faced him. Shit. He looked angry. He looked so fucking angry. The same anger that scared me. He came closer to me, roughly grabbing my chin. "I asked you a fucking question, Elyse."

Think of a lie. Quick. Just lie.

"I was jealous." I blurt out. Jealous? Really? His brows furrow in confusion and he weakens his hold on me. "I wanted to see if you text other girls. I got jealous." He still looks at me suspiciously, wondering if I'm telling the truth. "I love you. And I wanted to know if I'm the only one. Because your mine." I added, Trying to make it believable.

A smile formed on his evil face as he let go of my chin and kissed me. I forced myself to kiss him back, and forced the rising bile down. He pulled away and said "I'm glad you're finally accepting our love baby."
I smiled and said "Yes but I don't like when you grab me roughly."

He frowned and said "I'm sorry, I was mad. I won't touch you like that again. Now that you've accepted our love every things going to be easier." He held my hand and pulled me to the cafeteria.



Since that embarrassing night, Elyse has been avoiding me. I mean I understand why. I did tell her that I can't be around her, and it kills me to be around her. Yet, It still upsets me.

I'm losing her. I'm losing her and there's nothing I can do about it.

I was walking in the hall ways when I heard Tyler's faint voice from a classroom. I walked closer, putting my head to the door. I know, I'm a nosy motherfucker.

"-question, Elyse." I hear a voice that I recognize as Tyler say. After a few seconds i hear elyse's voice. "I was jealous." What? Jealous of what? "I wanted to see if you text other girls. I got jealous." Oh. "I love you. And I wanted to know if I'm the only one. Because your mine." She added.

She loves him. She loves him. Of course.

I forced myself to walk away as I didn't need to hear anymore. Every time I hear her say I love you to him, it's like the first time all over again. I'll never get used to it.

I need to leave her alone. She's happy in her relationship and I'm not going to be the fucker that ruins it for her. She loves him and is happy with him. That's all I really want for her.

I walk to our table, sitting down next to Selene and Spence, who were making out by the way. Spence nudges me and points to a table far away from us. Tyler and Elyse. They were sitting by themselves at a different table.

I'm losing her.

Tyler pulled out a little bag opening it and taking out a pill. Pills? This fucker is giving her pills? He said something to her then she opened her mouth. He placed the pill in there, and she swallowed. After a few minutes of inaudible talking she opened her mouth again and he placed another one in there and handed the rest of the pills to her.

I looked back at Spence, to check if he just saw what I saw. He looked shocked and angry. We both got up heading towards them. "Elyse can we talk to you?" I said. Tyler groaned and said "be back soon baby." She nodded as he pulled her giving her a quick kiss. I looked away, not able to bare the sight.

She followed me and Spence into a random classroom. "What do you guys want?" She asked. That's when I noticed the symptoms of the pill were already showing on her. She was sweating, her face was pale, her eyes look tired, and she was irritable. "What type of pills is that dickhead giving to you?" Spence said. Elyse looked at us in shock then let out a humourless laugh. "I don't know dad. Some pills. You wouldn't give it to me so he did."

"Elyse, you don't need those. I promise you don't need it." I said. My heart hurt at the thought of why she'd need those. Why does she need pills? "You don't know what I need, Sin." And with that she pushed out the doors, leaving me and Spence alone.

I turned to Spence sighing and holding my head. "Come Over today, we have to think of a way to fix this shit." He nodded.


Elyse POV

I walked in the house and immediately ducked as I saw a vase being thrown at me. I gasped as I barely missed the glass vase. I looked around the house and gasped again. The whole house was messed up, broken shit was everywhere. "Here you are you dumb bitch." My father said as he grabbed me by my hair. I screamed as he threw to the ground and punched me. The pills fell from my pocket as he kicked my stomach. I whimpered in pain as he bent down to pick up to the bag of pills. "Oh I see, what are you a drug addict now? You're so shameful, I wish you were dead." He said as he kicked my repeatedly. I screamed out in pain, as it was unbearable.

I'm done. I'm done staying quite. "Stop. I'm not shameful, I'm not worthless, I'm not undeserving." I screamed. He took a face steps back, taken back by my sudden out burst and left towards the kitchen. It worked. He left me alone. Just as I took a breath of relief I heard his loud footsteps coming back. He had a big knife in his hand and he look angry. Angrier than his usual anger. Shit!

I scurried go the door, trying to run away but he caught me and threw my away from the door. "You finally have some balls huh? I think it's maybe time to act on my wish." He said as he brought the knife closer to me. "Dad, please no. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please don't." I cried out. My pleadings fell on deaf ears when he plunged the knife in my stomach. I scream in pain as I brought my hand down to the wound.

I cried as I felt wet substance there. I brought my hand up to my eyes and gasped. Blood. So much fucking blood. My dad burst out the house and slammed the door closed.

I moved my hands around and found my phone on the floor. I picked it up, panicking. Who do I call? Who do I fucking call? I called the first number I could think of. Answer. Please answer.

I whimper as more pain shot through my stomach. More blood gathered around me. I was snapped out my thoughts when he picked up.


Authors note

I'm sorry:(

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