23: Lying

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I slowly wake up, opening my eyes, adjusting to the brightness. I move my hand around the bed, looking for Elyse, wanting to hold her. I groan as I get up looking around for her.

I groan as I don't see her on the bed. Where is she? That thought is answered when i hear whispers coming from the bathroom. I walk towards the bathroom as the memories of last night flood in.

We had an amazing night. No need to ruin that with my insecurities. She's going to have an reasonable explanation.

I stop by the bathroom door, ready to knock but stop myself when I hear sounds from in there. She is whispering, loud enough for me to hear but quiet enough for me to not understand what she's saying.

Her voice is inaudible expect the couple of words I pick up. Love, don't, and lying.

She's talking to him. She's sneaking in the bathroom and talking to him.

I can't take it anymore I open the door, walking through the bathroom. Thank god, it wasn't locked. Elyse stumbles, as she quickly brings her phone down hanging up. She looks at me nervously, her face paling. "G- good morning."

She's acting suspicious. Did you see how fast she hung up when you came in? It's because she's hiding something.

"Who were you talking to?" I ask trying to stay calm and cool. Don't let your insecurities ruin this, sin. My brows furrow as she stumbles over her words. "I was- um- my dad! Yes. I was talking to my dad." She finally says.

That's definitely a lie.

"Mhm." I said as I started brushing my teeth. Is she really cheating on me? She's definitely hiding something. Maybe I'm overthinking. Maybe it's really her dad?

God. I don't know. I don't even know if it's my insecurities talking or just the truth. Elyse wouldn't hurt me. She wouldn't, right?

I feel her arms wrap around me from the back. "You seem mad at me. Are you mad?" She says,her eyes looking sad. The look in her eyes break my heart, maybe I'm overreacting. It's probably nothing.

I bend down, rinsing my mouth before saying "No, everything's okay. Come on let's go out for breakfast." I turn around hugging her, trying to ignore my insecure thoughts.

She sighs in my hold as kisses my chest. "I love you." She says. But this time my heart doesn't warm. It doesn't flutter like it usually does when she says that. This time instead of feeling loved I feel doubt full. My mind swarms with doubt. This time instead of immediately saying it back I immediately start wondering if she meant it. Wonder if she says it to someone else.

"I love you, Elyse." I whisper back, after some time.


"We gotta buy a plan b. I didn't wear a condom last night remember." I said, as we walked to the garage. Her face takes a look of realization. "Oh fuck. You're right." She says nervously.

"You wanna ride the motorcycle?" I ask, as I watch her looking at it. She nods with a big smile. She's so beautiful.

I decided I was going to talk to her about it. Instead of holding it in, and letting my insecurities ruin our relationship, I will talk to her. She will explain and everything will be okay.


After riding the motorcycle- which I think she enjoyed even more than me- to a pharmacy, I got her a plan b and some water.

"Here." I said as I walked out towards her. She stood straighter as she was leaning on the bike. She takes the pill downing it with some water. "Did you also get condoms, for you know..future." She said as she slightly blushed.

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