Dirty Thoughts

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Y/N (Y/L/N) was one hell of a Quidditch player. She played chaser in the Gryffindor Quidditch team and she mostly spent her time working out, considering it was her ambition to become an international Quidditch player.

Her best friend, Hermione Granger would always scold her for putting too much time on Quidditch rather than her studies. Nonetheless, she still went with her to her practices.

Which is where we are now, in the Quidditch pitch. Hermione was sitted on the grass, a book in her hand yet her eyes were on Y/N, who was pacing around the pitch, coaching her teammates.

Personally, Hermione wasn't quite fond of Quidditch, nor did she show any interest in it. However, watching Y/N boss and instruct people around, or watching her workout sparked something in Hermione.

As Y/N paced closer to Hermione, the bushy haired girl took in her appearance, feeling her heart leap at the sight of her best friend. She simply loved how Y/N looked with a high ponytail, some strands of hair flying out.

Or how her eyebrows were slightly furrowed with concentration, this was something that Hermione loved. She loved how passionate Y/N could be.

But then her eyes slowly travelled down onto Y/N's body, her breath hitching slightly, feeling her stomach doing turns.

Godric, how can someone look good when they're sweaty? Perhaps it was because she was Y/N (Y/L/N), a person who could wear a trashbag and still look better than a veela.

Her eyes flickered onto Y/N's hands, her fingers slender and delicate. Those hands were what Hermione would consider to be her home. The hands that held her close whenever she was feeling miserable.

But those hands could also make her feel...excited and—

"You alright there, Granger?" said Y/N from afar.

Hermione shook her head, snapping out of her trance as she cupped her face, feeling the heat radiating from it. She shot Y/N a thumbs up before turning averting her gaze down onto the ground.

Hermione trapped her bottom lip in embarrassment, feeling dirty at the way she just thought of her best friend. She couldn't deny that she thought about these stuff quite often, and she couldn't deny that this was the main reason that she actually comes to Y/N's practices.

Call Hermione a pervert but almost anyone would look and think about Y/N the way the bushy haired girl does. Consumed by her thoughts, she didn't even realise Ginny snickering beside her.

"Hermione, keep gawking at Y/N and everyone would know what's going in your mind. You look like you're drooling." snickered the red hair, earning her a playful punch on the shoulder from Hermione.

"Don't you have a boyfriend to snog?" scoffed Hermione, jerking her head in Harry's direction.

"You're just jealous because I have a boyfriend to snog." countered Ginny with raised eyebrows.

"Oh shove off, little Weasley." scowled Hermione as Ginny snickered and walked away.

She locked eyes with Cormac Mclaggen, who was eyeing her up and, licking his lips as he quirked up an eyebrow, sending her a wink.

"Merlin, make me gay." muttered Hermione under her breath in disgust.

Even after what the red hair had just told her, she still turned her eyes back on Y/N who was just getting off her broom.

Hermione could feel all the air in her lungs go away as she watched the girl lift her jersey up to her face, wiping away the sweat, giving Hermione a clear view of her abs. The bushy haired girl was watching her eagerly, letting out a huff of disappointment as the jersey fell back down

"Why so grumpy?" questioned Y/N, walking up to her, sitting down on the grass next to Hermione, pulling her leg to her chest.

"Nothing!" said Hermione quickly. "I just- uh- er—" she stuttered, feeling her cheeks flush.

"Oh Godric, you're so cute when you stutter." said Y/N with a low chuckle, tucking a strand of bushy hair behind Hermione's ear.

Well, whatever Y/N had just said, it just made Hermione much more flustered, and impossibly made her stutter even more.

"I'll go and take a shower, mkay?" said Y/N.

"Can I come with you." said Hermione suddenly, feeling quite surprised by her sudden boldness. Y/N's mouth formed a small O-shape out of surprise. She shrugged and intertwined her fingers with Hermione's, leading her to the locker room.

Hermione sat on one the benches, keeping her gaze down on her lap to give her best friend some privacy.

However, when Y/N turned around, Hermione couldn't help but avert her gaze on her, watching her lift her shirt up, seeing her bare back.

Hermione was practically drooling at the sight, feeling something tingling inside her as she observed the muscles on her back, as well as the scars that she recieved from brutal Quidditch games.

She swiped tongue over her bottom lip, images and scenarios forming in her head.

She'd look good with my scratch marks on her back..

Oh Godric, Hermione's face looked as red as a Bludger from that thought.


The Library

The two girls were sitted at the very back of the library, studying for the upcoming exams. However, Hermione didn't seem like she was studying at all. The book was in her hand, but her eyes were on her best friend.

She took in her appearance, her mouth slightly parted as she softly and inaudibly repeated the same lines she read from the book. The bushy haired girls eyes moved downwards to her chest.

Y/N was wearing a white button-up shirt, but the first four buttons were undone, exposing her chest. Her sleeves were rolled up to her elbow. Her tie was fully undone, draped across her shoulder.

Her hands were slightly stained with ink, Hermione watched her hand tick slightly with each answer she wrote on her piece of parchment.

She watched as Y/N's hands travelled onto her shirt, unbuttoning it once more, revealing the fabric of her white-laced bra, making Hermione's breath hitched.

"What's up, Granger?" asked Y/N, looking at Hermione with a bemused expression on her face.

My feelings for you, probably. Merlin, I'm funny. Thought Hermione.

"Absolutely nothing."


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