Chapter 10: Troops

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Cara's POV

On sunday we tried to sunbathe although we did not get tan at all. We only got sunburned inspite of lathering our skin with sunblock. "We" is a strong word rather I got sunburned not Blake.

Blake tried to teach me how to swim. After kicking him multiple times in his face which I swear is an accident he gave up.

We decided to comeback here every month for some alone time. Spending time with Blake makes me dizzy. With his childlike, soft and borderline narcissistic attitude and combined with his alluring hazel and green eyes. Don't forget about his Godlike body. You don't know what to focus on. His face doesn't match his behaviour. He is a big ass contradicton.

You'll be snag by his beauty but after a minute he'll say some stupid shit breaking your first illusion. You're like married to multiple people.

We are now traveling back to our house. He hates driving in the afternoon. I don't know why. We reached the estate at 8pm. I am so tired.

After he parked the car he immediately goes to my side to open my door.
Good at this point he'll be a perfect gentleman at the end of the month. Training him is easy.

Blake is like the human version of a golden retriever. Don't tell him I said that.

I hugged Charlie when I saw him waiting for us at the front door.

"Welcome back Miss Cara."

"Just Cara please. You are technically my father."
Charlie arc his brow. "Okay our very very young father."

Charlie smiled and continued to greet his "master" Blake.

Blake hugged him and murmur something which I did not hear clearly. We went towards the dining room and as usual food are laid out.

"Sweetheart after we eat I want you to meet some people. If that's alright."

"Sure no problem." I replied and continue eating my potato salad and steak.

After we ate. We went to his living room and after a few minutes Charlie entered with 10 men. I fairly recognize them but I don't know where.

"Sweetheart they are part of your troops. Introduce yourself."

They are Sinedy, Ashwan, Aldin, jeezus,Hero, Clark, Zach, luke, Nilo,and Nile who smiles at me and his tooth gap appeared.

"Hey! I remember you!" I exclaimed. I stand up and walk towards them. "You are the guys who was outside my apartment right?"

They all nodded simultaneously.

"Yes Mam that's us!"

"Wow you look different!" You really can't recognize them. They are all wearing fitted suits. Their hair are all cut cleanly. They are all clean shaven and there is a drastic difference with their appearance a week ago. For god sakes Baby Jeezus have dentures! And Nile has braces!

"You all look very handsome and-"
I was cut off when Blake slung his arms around my shoulders.

"This is My wife so give her the utmost respect. You understood?"

They saluted Blake and shouted "Yes sir!" At the same time.

"They will be your team Cara. They will be all at your disposal. Whatever is needed to be done tell them. They all signed an NDA so our secret is safe. They all know the consequence if they break the deal."

I can see all of them gulp in fright. What kind of consequence Blake is talking about to make them this scared?

My eyes widen. Excitement coursing through my body.

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