Chapter 18: busy

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Cara's POV

Glitters everywhere.

Fucking Blake.

I already took a shower five times and this fucking glitters was still attached to my whole body. I swear I saw some glitters on my ass crack.

I need to step up my game.

I glare at Blake while I am mopping his office floor.

"Oh c'mon sweetheart! It was just a harmless prank!"

Harmless my ass.

Someone knock on his door and Jane entered his office.

"Goodmorning Mr. Bradford." She place several folders on Blake's table.

''Those are the documents that you requested."

Blake did not reply.

"Goodmorning Cara." Jane greets me.

I smile at her and greets her back. Compared to the hulk sitting on the chair. I am greeting everyone who greets me first.

"Is that a glitter on your hair?" Jane ask bewildered.

I hear Blake snorts but he quickly cover it as a cough.

"Sorry sir."

Jane drag me out of Blake's office.
She closes Blake's door silently.

"Oh my god I forgot for a second that we are inside his office. I even greet you inside. What's wrong with me!"

"It's alright. Good thing that the bossman is in a good mood."

"True true and it is very rare that he is in a good mood. I swear I only saw him smile once in five years that I am working for him. I think he was with Mr. Rosen-Hower at that time."

Of course. James always make Blake smile even at the expense of Blake's dignity.

Jane returned to her work while I went down to the Marketing. I need to confirm the schedule of Jean Davis so we can sneak inside her office.

I reach her floor and as soon as the elevator opens I can already feel the gloomy and heavy atmosphere in this floor.

I roam my eyes around the floor and all employees are hunched on their desk.

I hold my mop firmly and slowly mop in between the cubicles of the staff.

"I swear to God I will resign after I finish this report." I heard one the employees on my left said.

I discretely mop near the breakroom and I can hear several employees hiding inside.

"Did you print already your resignation letter?"

"Yes but I am afraid to pass it."

"Yeah me too. This is such a good company but unfortunately our department head is a goon of Satan."

Shit. This is not good. Not good at all.

I hurriedly went to the office of Jean Davis. According to the report of Sinedy at this time she is out of her office. I peek inside the glass pane and saw that her office is empty.

5pm on the dot she always go home compared to her employees that are pulling an overtime everyday to finish their projects.

Tsk. I need to empty this floor to bug the room of Ms. Davis. I'll need the help of Blake for my plan.

I went back to the 50th floor and return my mop on my cart. I grab my rug and disinfectant spray. I pass through Jane's office to ask if Blake has a meeting in his room right now.

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