Chapter 21 -

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Sadie's POV

My head felt like someone was hitting it with a hammer over and over again. When I finally emerged from under my covers I saw that Kent was already gone.

On my nightstand was a large glass of water, two ibuprofen and a sticky note that said "take this, drink that. I'll see you at lunch" with a heart scribbled next to it. Thank goodness Kent was familiar with hangovers because this had to be the worst one I had ever experienced. 

After quickly showering, brushing my teeth (SINCE I HAVE TO WRITE OUT THAT SADIE DOES TAKE CARE OF HERSELF FOR YOU HOOLIGANS) and throwing on a comfortable outfit, I was ready to head to first period. The shower helped with my headache a little but I was still waiting for the ibuprofen to kick in. 

"Sadie!" I saw Jackie rush up to me with Holly right behind her, "What did you guys do during the storm?" 

I had almost forgotten about the other dorms on campus, actually the girls had hardly crossed my hazy mind at all yesterday. 

"The boys basically turned the dorm into a rave and everyone was drunk by noon," I replied nonchalantly and both Holly and Jackie gave me jealous gazes. 

"I told you we should've snuck out to see her," Holly nudged Jackie, who's cheeks began to redden. 

"I wasn't trying to get killed by a falling tree or suspended. I really don't know which one would be worse," Jackie snapped back. I liked that Jackie was starting to stand up for herself more.

"What did you girls end up doing?" I changed the subject before Holly and Jackie could start bickering. 

"Basically everything you'd see in a dumb chick flick movie," Josie cut in, rushing up to us and bumping into Holly and I, "Hair braiding, sappy romance movies and gossip. It was the worst," 

"They all got drunk," Holly muttered to Josie who gave me the same jealous glare the other two had earlier. 

"Ladies! Wait for me," Ryan was hurrying up to our little group and before long we had stopped walking to class all together, just standing around in a circle to chat. We had a few more minutes until classes started anyway, "Um, miss thing, you have some news to spill!" 

At first I thought Ryan was talking to me and the only thing I could think about was Kent and I almost kissing last night. But Ryan wasn't looking at me at all, he was actually looking right at Jackie, who's face was as red as I had ever seen. 

"W-what?" Jackie mumbled, glancing between all of us and our curious gazes. 

"Squid asked you to Homecoming!"

"He did?" I asked, getting excited for Jackie now but she was clearly overwhelmed with the pestering and the questions we began unleashing on her. 

"I have to go!" Jackie nearly screamed at us, clutching her backpack straps so tight her knuckles were turning white. We all watched as Jackie stomped away from us, her head down the whole time. 

"Why wouldn't she be happy about that?" Josie asked while the four of us continued walking now. 

"She's really happy about it, but she gets embarrassed real easily, you know this Josie," Holly reminded Josie, which reminded me I hadn't paid much attention to my girl friends as of late. 

"Actually, I guarantee it's because Squid broke a window trying to ask her," Ryan replied, causing all of us to stop walking again and stare up at him. "What?"

"What do you mean he broke a window?" My curiosity had definitely been peaked now. Squid was a clumsy guy but breaking a window while asking your crush to the dance is totally. . . Squidish. 

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