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The sun was beating down on us, making me sweat already in the long black gown we were required to wear. 

 Why did my last name have to start with an M and not an A? 

 I guess we all have to wait until the last person walks anyway. I glanced up and immediately blushed when i made eye contact with Kent who waved back dramatically and blew me a kiss. I waved back at him, earning snickers from the other students around me. 

 "You two disgust me," I heard Rebecca mutter in a sarcastic tone from where she sat behind me. Convincing my best friend to not only come to transfer to my school but to also be my dorm mate for the past two years was the best thing I could've done, regardless of the trouble we may or may not have gotten  into. I turned to stick my tongue out at my best friend. Jackie was three rows ahead of me and had already turned to wave excitedly. 

 This was it! We were finally graduating! 

 "Kent Agather," I jumped up with the rest of our friends and cheered as loud as I could while Kent walked across the stage and grabbed his diploma. He turned towards the crowd, made eye contact with me and blew me yet another kiss. Even with our normal ups and downs, this senior year had been the best one yet and Kent and I had only gotten closer. 

 "Have you two talked about college yet?" Rebecca asked, ignoring the 'no talking' policy we were supposed to follow for graduation. 

 "I haven't told him yet," I whispered back. Suddenly my stomach was turning and twisting into knots thinking about having to tell Kent I decided on Florida State for college. It had been an ongoing conversation for Kent and I, ever since January when we both started applying to colleges for this coming fall. 

Kent was set on Oregon State University, but he had also applied to Florida. I knew he really didn't want to move all the way across the country though. What seemed like another hour passed by before it was finally my turn to walk across the stage. 

 "Mercedes Michaels," I cringed at the use of my full name. I tried to use Sadie as much as possible but I guess I could never get away from my full name. I heard the cheering of my family in the crowd and my friends as well, but for the most part I was just concerned with not tripping. Rebecca had talked me into wearing two inch heels and I never regretted anything more in my life.

It took me a while to find my parents but when I did I received more flowers, hugs and kisses than I knew what to do with. I nearly hit someone's grandma when I found Kent and threw myself at him for a hug. 

Close call. 

 "Come see everyone," During winter break Kent came home with me and met my whole family and during Spring break I went home with Kent and did the same thing. 

 "Wait, I have to talk to you," Kent grabbed both of my hands and kisses me quickly. "It's about, our future," 

 "Can we talk about college later tonight? I don't want to get all depressed thinking about it," I told Kent honestly but he just chuckled and shook his head. 

"It's more important than that," 

 "More important?" 

 Kent rolled his eyes, with that signature smirk on his face that I've grown to love, and began fishing around in his pocket under his graduation robe. 

 "I know we're young, I know this is crazy but," Kent trailed off as he pulled out a small diamond ring and crouched down to one knee, "Sadie, marry me," 

 I heard gasps from the people around us and somewhere I think I heard Rebecca cheering but I couldn't pay attention to anything else but Kent. 

 "I. . . " Kent continued to smile up at me, nothing but hope and happiness filling his eyes. "Of course!" 

Sometimes you have to just jump, not think or analyze anything or think about what others think, but just jump. 

Kent and I were only 18 years old, but I know I love him more than anything, he's the one. 

 So I choose to jump. 


Don't forget to read my other stories with Sadie, Kent and the others! 

Married to the Jock

Dorming with Her 

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