Chapter 2-

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Sadie's POV

As if waking up for the first day of school late wasn't bad enough, getting woken up late by your annoying roommate throwing water on your face made it all the better. The image of Kent's smug expression was still burning in my mind as I hurried through the large campus of school trying to find the English building. I doubt most colleges were even the size of this campus.

"A little lost there, sweetheart?" I heard the familiar voice of Sid as he jogged up next to me on the sidewalk.

"No, just enjoying the view," I said sarcastically as Sid rolled his eyes. The campus was beautiful to say the least, with the trees and bushes just beginning to turn color for fall.

"What's your first class?" He reached out and snatched my schedule from my hands before I could protest. He glanced at it for a few seconds then handed it back. "AP English, huh? So you're a nerd,"

"Just because I'm in an AP class doesn't mean I'm a nerd," I retorted, now following Sid since that was my best shot at actually finding where my class was.

"It does if you're also in AP Biology," Sid shot me a side glance with a smirk. "You're such a geek,"

I hit him lightly in the arm and he continued to laugh.

"I am not a geek,"

"Alright, alright, whatever you say, geek," He winked at me and from then on we walked in a comfortable silence until we reached one of the brick buildings that looked exactly like every single other building on campus. "Here's your stop, have fun,"

I thanked Sid and headed into the building, it was only 8:24 in the morning so I had six more minutes to make it to class and not be late. I walked down the hall that I suspected my class to be down when suddenly I was running straight into someone, falling down and watching all of their things fly around. It was the typical high school hallway run in that you would see in a movie, books and papers strewn about the tile and both of us in shock for a moment. The girl I had ran into was pretty, hiding behind a thick pair of black rimmed glasses that hid her blue eyes, her blonde hair pulled back into a tight, slick ponytail and she wore a pair of tight skinny jeans with an oversized sweatshirt.

"I'm so sorry! That was totally my fault, I wasn't paying attention," She started to apologize continuously as she began reaching for her things. I immediately started helping her, knowing that it was in fact my fault for not watching where I was going.

"It's not a big deal, don't worry about it," I quickly said as we finished collecting her things and stood up. She held out one of her dainty hands with perfectly pink painted nails.

"I'm Jackie," She introduced herself with a smile that was so perfect there's no way she didn't spend at least three years in braces.

"I'm Sadie, nice to meet you," We shook hands briefly and then went on our ways. Within a few steps I had the odd sensation someone was following me and turned around to see the cute blonde, Jackie, right behind me.

"I'm not following you, I swear!" She quickly defended herself, her cheeks getting rosy. "I think we're in the same class,"

"Oh, with Mr. Finn?" It was a weird name for a teacher but I guess you can't really choose your last name.

"Yeah, I'll show you there. You're new here? I haven't seen you around before," I was guessing Jackie had been going here since freshman year, she seemed to know her way around. Either that or she was actually prepared for the first day of school, unlike me.

We made small talk, the typical how old are you and how many siblings do you have type of small talk, until we finally made it to our first class of the day right in time before the bell began ringing.

"Sadie!" I heard someone call out as soon as I was about to head into the classroom. It was Squid, rushing my way.

"I'll save you a seat," Jack mumbled, hurrying off into class with her head down and a slight blush.

"What do you need, Squid?" I asked Squid as he stopped in front of me, huffing and puffing to catch his breath. Did he even play a sport?

"Have you seen Kent or Charlie?" He asked. I had no idea who Charlie was.

"I don't know who this Charlie guy is but no, I haven't seen Kent since he was pouring water on me this morning," I explained quickly, trying to hurry this conversation up since I did not want to be late.

"Oh so you and Kent didn't get along too well last night, I take it?" Squid asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"I've got to get to class," I said and began to turn away from Squid.

"Well keep an eye out for those two, they're the captains of the football team and coach needs to see them. Spread the word!" And then he was rushing off down the hall.

I rushed into class right before Mr. Finn was about to close the door, noticing the glare I received from him as I sat down. At least I wasn't too late?

During the lecture Jackie and I carefully passed notes back and forth a few times, getting to know each other a little better. She was also taking AP Biology but was in a different class than I was. We promised to study with each other especially since she informed me that my teacher was difficult.

When the bell rang an hour after class started both Jackie and I quickly grabbed our bags and books and ran out the door. Most of the other students were in a hurry to leave as well, I don't blame them. Mr. Finn has to be the most boring teacher I've ever had. 

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