Chapter 31 -

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Jackie sat on the King size bed while I paced back and forth and Rebecca rummaged through her duffel bag. 

"So you're telling me you're upset about two guys fighting over you?" Rebecca looked at me like I was crazy.

"I just told you," I ran my hands through my hair and tried to calm down, "Kent is the one that I kissed but never heard back from. If he couldn't be bothered to even write a letter then why should I give him the time of day?"

"Kent did write to you though, he told me he did," Jackie said and both Rebecca and I looked at her. 

"He did? But I never got any letters from Kent, only from Charlie," I explained, reaching into my duffel bag and pulling out the letters that Charlie had sent to me and showing them to Jackie. Jackie immediately looked sick. 

"I can tell you right now, without any doubt, Kent wrote to you. Multiple times," Jackie stared at me and I knew she wasn't lying. Then why had I never gotten any of his letters?

"Well, Kent's hotter than Charlie, so there's your first reason to go for him, and it sounds like he had dibs anyway," Rebecca was peaking through the master bedroom door, down into the open living room where the guys were hanging out. 

"I'm being serious, I don't know what to do or how to feel right now," I sat down next to Jackie on the bed.

"Why not hear him out? You'll never know why you didn't hear from him unless you talk to him," Jackie pointed out.

"Charlie told me that Missy and Kent reconnected though," Although I didn't have a lot of reasons to trust Charlie, it had made sense at the time why I hadn't heard from Kent. Now nothing made sense. 

"That's not true either," Jackie chirped, "Kent won't talk to Missy. If anything, Missy and Charlie have gotten closer,"

The knot in my stomach doubled. Charlie had been getting closer to Missy this whole time? 

"Missy is the crazy ex? Who cares about her? She's not here in the middle of all this testosterone, high school drama bullshit," Rebecca's choice of words sometimes hurt my head, but she had a point. 

Rebecca tore her attention away from the door and started to look through my duffel bag now. 

"I brought something with us, just in case," 

"Uh, that's my bag?" Rebecca continued to rummage around my bag. 

"I didn't have room in my bag so I put this in yours," She explained, like it was no big deal she hadn't asked or mentioned anything about it. Suddenly she pulled out a small can of mace that was bedazzled in rhinestones, "It's bear mace, stronger than regular mace,"

"You bedazzled it," I commented but Rebecca ignored me and walked back over to the door. 

"Just keep it on you, if you feel like you need to use it then use it. Then scream so I can come finish kicking their ass," Rebecca cracked the door open again, "Your friends are kinda cute though,"

"The red head is spoken for," Jackie said, peeking through the door as well to peer down at the guys. I liked Jackie and Squid together, they were cute. 

I grabbed my red sweatshirt, the one my mom had gotten me freshman year, the red one that Kent liked. Slipping it on, I started to follow the girls out of the room but Charlie was suddenly pushing his way in. 

"Are you guys okay?" Charlie asked, getting weird looks from Jackie and Rebecca who continued to leave the room.

"I think we're fine," I started to follow the girls again but this time Charlie stood right in front of me. 

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