Chapter 25 -

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I fought back tears while we made the short walk from the girls dorm to the main building where the office and principal's office were located. Mr. Watson unlocked his office and let me walk in first. 

"Take a seat, Sadie," He pointed to one of the cushioned brown chairs in front of his big desk. Berny stayed in the office waiting area so it was Mr. Watson and I alone. "I'm really sorry that all of this has happened,"

"Mr. Watson, I'm fine staying in the Wellington dorm, the guys are great and I don't have any trouble-" Mr. Watson cut me off with a wave of his hand and sighed loudly. 

"I'm not sure how we got mixed up into this mess, honestly Ms. Michaels, but the fact is I cannot let you stay at this school without a proper dorm room, in the female dorms," Mr. Watson stared at me, his grey eyes dark and tired, the bags under them didn't help with that either. 

"I was told to go to the Wellington dorm when I got here on my first day, how was that something you overlooked?" Mr. Watson sat up a little straighter. 

"If I had known about these arrangements, I assure you I would never allow a female student to live in a male dorm," He folded his hands nicely on his desk, "It's an unfortunate mishap most definitely, but unfortunately we cannot keep you on school grounds without liable living arrangements," 

I continued to stare at Mr. Watson, I could see the sweat forming on his broad forehead. Maybe if I glared at him enough he'd burst into tears and apologize for the mess he's putting me through. Or maybe he'll burst into flames. Either would work. 

"I applied and was accepted into your school, Mr. Watson. The day that I showed up here to start my sophomore year I was thrown out of your girls' dorm and sent to the boys. What would you have wanted me to do?" I was yelling now, I couldn't help it. I was being kicked out of school for something I wasn't in control of. 

"Do you remember the exact name of the student and faculty member who told you this?" Mr. Watson was already pulling out a pad of paper and a pen to write down any names I would give him. 

I remembered the girls name who told me to go to the boys dorm but I wasn't about to throw her under the bus.

"I don't remember," I crossed my arms and Mr. Watson dropped his pen loudly, again sighing aggressively. I glanced at the clock. The boys should have gotten to the dorms and picked up the girls already. I should be there with them, not stuck in this damn office. 

"Right, okay then," Mr. Watson sat back in his chair which squeaked like it was about to break, "the bottom line is, you can't stay here in the Wellington dorm. I cannot allow you to continue living on campus."

"How was I even accepted into this school if there weren't enough dorm rooms?" My anger was starting to fade and the sad realization that I was leaving this school. 

"It must have been a technical difficulty," Mr. Watson rubbed his forehead before making eye contact with me again, "I can make sure you'll be the first one accepted for fall quarter this next coming school year," 

That was over 9 months away.

I felt my heart drop down into my stomach like a rock and a huge lump was starting to form in the back of my throat. I wasn't going to cry, not here, not right now. 

"So you're saying that. . ." I trailed off to allow Mr. Watson to finish my sentence. 

"We've already contacted your parents, your mother is on her way to get you right now," He was trying to be sincere, maybe even adding a hint of grief to his voice, but his face was like stone. He just wanted me out of his hair and out of his school so he could put this whole mess behind him and go home to a wife that probably bitches at him 24/7. 

I hope he drowned in paperwork. 

"You called my parents? So you're kicking me out of school for something that wasn't even my fault or had control over?" I jumped out of the chair now and started pacing back and forth while another wave of stress took over Mr. Watson's body. 

"There has to be another room available," I didn't want to be dramatic, I didn't want to cause a scene but the last place I wanted to go was home. I had finally started to fit in here, Kent and I were on great terms and I had amazing friends. He couldn't take all of this away from me. 

"Not in the females dorms, unfortunately," 

"Then let me stay in the Wellington dorm, Charlie doesn't even have a roommate. Kent and Charlie can room together and I can have my own room-"

Mr. Watson whipped up his hand to hold in front of me, successfully cutting me off mid sentence. 

"Females are not to be in the male dorms, Ms. Michaels, rules are rules," I stared at Mr. Watson while hot tears began dropping down my cheeks. There was no hope, it was useless. I would have to go back home, back to my hometown school, back to people I never wanted to see again. 

"Your mother will be here in thirty minutes, Berny is willing to help you carry your things out," Mr. Watson nodded towards the office waiting room where the pudgy security guard, the one that had to chase Squid the other night I'm sure, was waiting, "I'm truly sorry this had happened, Sadie," 

Without responding or even looking at the principal, I spun on my heels and nearly ran out of the office, Berny was right behind me. I couldn't get back to the dorm fast enough. 

I wonder what everyone else was doing right now. Probably enjoying dinner before heading to the dance. I wonder if Kent was as upset about this situation as I was. 

I could hear the music blaring from the gymnasium down the way while I stomped my way to the boys dorm. When I reached the front steps I took them two at a time, glancing around at the familiar lobby of the dorm that I wouldn't be seeing every morning anymore. Berny made it to my side and held open the door for me. I blew past him and sprinted to the stairs, knowing I'd be able to lose the pudgy guy behind me. 

"Hey, wait a second!" Berny called out, his voice echoing loudly through the concrete stairwell, but I kept running. I made it to the top of the stairs in record time, especially in my dress still, hurrying to my room before Berny could reach the third step I'm pretty sure. 

I forced Berny to wait in the hallway while I tore my clothes from my dresser and closet to shove into my bags. I didn't even try to stop crying while I stuffed my clothes away, not caring about wrinkles or ruining anything at this moment. The only things that wouldn't fit into my bags were my pillows and blanket. Berny was still waiting in the hall, grumbling and complaining the whole time. 

How was he even supposed to provide security? 

"Got everything?" Berny asked, slinging two of my duffel bags over his shoulders. I grabbed my small suitcase, tucked my blanket and pillows under my arm and started to follow Berny down the hall. 

"We're taking the elevator this time," He announced loudly and I didn't argue. I wanted to stretch the last few minutes I had in this dorm anyway.

The elevator was awkward and silent as I watched with dread as the light slowly reached L for lobby and the doors swung open. 

Berny didn't wait for me to get off first, he lead the way through the lobby and out the front doors without glancing back once. I drug my feet as I followed. Even though I had only lived here for three months this place felt more like home than my old school ever had. 

"Will you give this to Kent Agather, please?" I fished the large sweatshirt out of one of my duffel bags and held my breath as I held it out for the security guard to take. I wasn't crying anymore at least, but the thought of not seeing my friends before I left made me tear up yet again. 

Berny reached out to take the sweatshirt from me but before he could Kent was suddenly standing beside me, grabbing my hand and pulling me into his chest, surrounding me in a tight, warm hug. 

"How about you keep it safe for me?" 

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