Abyss of Red

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Arawn's voice echoed through the giant television screen in our waiting room.

Today's episode of the Crown Show had officially been initiated, yet many of the suitors were nowhere near ready to appear on stage. Evie didn't look too pleased about it.

Not every stylist had been as prepared as Adriel, and some were still tailing their respective suitors to finish the last details of their masterpieces.

Tonight's episode would be different than the usual one-on-one interviews with Arawn. Tonight, three randomly selected spectators would be offered a chance to ask the respective suitor a question of their choosing.

It was terrifying. Arawn's questions were always somewhat predictable, but the audience... Not so much.

Worst of all, we couldn't lie our way out of any questions. Arawn would know right away. His abilities truly did him horrible favors during interviews.

"It's slightly terrifying that the audience is allowed to ask us three random questions," Calla whispered beside me. "What do you think they'll ask?"

Calla and Piper had arrived fully dressed like me, so we'd placed ourselves in a corner, observing the others struggle to finish on time.

We had been relatively quiet so far, intimidated by Evie's striking wrath. However, one could only be quiet for so long with countless questions humming in our minds.

"You're definitely going to be asked about your pending date with Prince Atlas," Piper laughed and poked Calla's shoulder. "I have no definitive answer to what the rest of us will be asked since we haven't exactly done anything particularly interesting since the last announcement."

Piper had a point. The most obvious questions would clearly concern the dates, but that was a narrow topic. Many of the questions would likely be similar, and so would the answers.

Fortunately, I wasn't the first suitor to wrestle with Arawn's terrifying abyss of nameless inquiries. At least, I'd get a chance to moderately prepare myself based on the first couple of questions.

If only my position as the enigmatic Wildcard didn't prompt any odd questions, perhaps I'd be okay.

Kaia was the first to emerge through the floor. Arawn offered her a gentleman's arm, and she happily accepted his offer.

Two red chairs appeared in the middle of the platform. Arawn guided Kaia to one and seated himself in the other.

Thank the spirits that chairs had been added to the stage this time. I wouldn't have to rely on my shaky legs and balance on my impossible heels.

Kaia looked calm in the limelight—as if she belonged there. She didn't appear remotely fazed by the random questions that the audience relentlessly tossed her way and answered them with a level of confidence that made me a little jealous.

Azure wasn't as gracious as her predecessor. When asked simple questions about her date with the crown prince, she stumbled over her words and stuttered through every sentence.

Honestly, I felt a bit bad for her. This should have been her moment to shine, but the fear of the unknown seemed to have robbed her of the warm light we'd seen radiate from her before.

Piper was next. Her first two questions were—as expected—about dating expectations and future aspirations. The last question, on the other hand, made my entire body grow cold and numb.

"What thoughts went through your mind during the trial when you first realized that the monster in the darkness was a Raeewh?"

My stomach threatened to churn, and the world before me started to sway dangerously.

A Wicked Game [The Crown Saga II] (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now