Cadoc's Favourite

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"Quiet down, suitors," Master Cadoc yelled, his voice ringing before my ears.

Calla and Piper were still whispering beside me, but my gaze had been drawn to the balcony where the crimson and orange colors of the Flare Warrior's uniform danced like a blazing inferno.

Elvara stood beside Caiden and the king, her eyes narrow and her arms folded across her chest as she carefully examined our shrinking group of suitors. I couldn't say for sure if Tarkan were with them, but I couldn't imagine him passing up the opportunity to witness my failure in front of the party present today.

Master Cadoc and Elvara's conversation from yesterday had not been about the final trial as I'd feared. We were in the Battle Arena, dressed in our respective warrior uniforms, but the number of cameras present was underwhelming. The final trial was supposed to be a grand happening — not an intimate affair like this.

"The time has come for you to prove why you're still worthy of competing in the Crown Trials and offer our prince a reason to accept you as Heliac's future queen," Master Cadoc continued, his venomous voice drowning out the whispering voices around me. "We've requested the services of Heliac's most skilled warriors to help us evaluate your performance."

Master Cadoc shifted his gaze toward the balcony where Elvara stepped forward to follow up. "Congratulations, suitors," she began. "You have remained part of this competition for more than half a year, which is admirable. You should be proud of yourselves."

Smiles spread across the faces among us, but my lips remained frozen in a straight line. Elvara hadn't meant those words as a compliment. She was likely using the praise to disguise her disappointment with Caiden and his failure to eliminate more of us.

"However," Elvara continued, "the competition must come to an end, which is why I am here today with a handful of my trusted advisers."

There were more of them. That meant Tarkan could easily be hidden among them, out of sight.

My heartbeat rapidly increased. If Tarkan was here and I couldn't see him, he could already be carrying out whatever plan he'd devised for the day.

Elvara jumped from the balcony before heat erupted from the floor. I had to close my eyes to prevent them from burning out of their sockets.

"This is not the third trial, but there's no guarantee that you'll all be here tomorrow—" she paused to observe the anxious suitors and smiled as the talons of terror marked their spines "—I am here today to evaluate your warrior abilities and will not hesitate to express my opinion of your performance regardless of your former positions. So do not think that either of you has been granted any advantages or disadvantages in these battles."

I didn't buy it. Alia had an advantage that none of us could match; she knew the mind of her teacher.

Alia was, without a doubt, Master Cadoc's favorite suitor. Alia had previously served under Elvara, and she'd allegedly known Caiden and the king since she was a kid. This was a test Alia could not fail.

"You will be paired with another suitor and battle until one of you gives up or becomes too weak to continue. Death is not an option, but broken bones are."

I gulped. These were some of Heliac's most powerful Iridis ladies, and I was yet a mere apprentice. I didn't stand a chance against any of them.

"These battles have not been arranged in advance, so another suitor must volunteer after your name is called. If no suitor volunteers, we select an opponent for you."

I looked around to find Alia's face in the crowd. She was closely watching Elvara with an expression of either concern or determination. In any case, I'd give anything not to be the one who had to face her. I'd been in there before.

A Wicked Game [The Crown Saga II] (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now