Rising Sun

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My cheeks burned bright. "A-a dance?" I asked, jerking back. "I— Um..."

Why was I this flustered? He'd asked a simple question. A yes or no would suffice.

"Miss Aldwyn?" Prince Calix said, pulling his hand away as if he feared it would burn me. "Is everything—"

"Yes!" I blurted. Spirits... Was it because he was Caiden's brother? "I-I mean... I'm flattered by your offer, but as I explained before, I—"

A pit of darkness suddenly expanded through my stomach as my heel caught the back of my dress.

"Careful!" Prince Calix shouted, but it was too late. I'd already lost my balance.

Warmth enveloped me. A strong arm wrapped around my shoulders, and shimmering eyes the shade of a glacier's heart gazed wildly into mine.

His face was so close that I could vaguely sense the golden stubble peeking across his chin and feel his heated breath brush against my lips. My mind went completely blank.

"Spirits, Miss Aldwyn," Prince Calix said, chuckling lightly. "I would never have asked you to dance with me if it resulted in you trying to injure yourself."

He pulled us up and didn't let go of my arm until he was certain I wouldn't topple over again.

"Thank you, Prince Calix," I said, grabbing tightly onto the railing.

Prince Calix smiled softly again as he adjusted the green tie around his neck. He would shatter many hearts with that smile one day. "No worries," he said, dusting off his vest. "Saving maidens is but one of my many duties as a golden prince. As is understanding a rejection when one is given." He nodded politely. "I wish you a wonderful night and hope the new dawn finds you well."

"Wait," I said, reaching for his wrist before he could walk away.

What kind of person would I be to reject his harmless request after he saved me from making a complete fool of myself? The least I could do was give the man a dance and a break from endless questions by relentless suitors.

"I guess one dance wouldn't hurt anybody."

A dark glow spread across his cheeks as his lips curled into that same smile from before. "That is wonderful. Thank you, Miss Aldwyn." He offered me his hand again, and I accepted it without hesitation this time. "You were from the Bronze Region, correct?"

I nodded. "My family has lived in that area for generations. It's been the only home I've ever known."

"Except from the Storm Academy, correct?" he added and winked at me.

Confusion pinched brows. He'd just told me he knew the truth about my involvement in the Crown Trials. So, why—

I suddenly noticed the countless eyes, carefully watching our every move—suitors and guests alike. Prince Calix must've noticed, too.

"Except from the Storm Academy, of course," I said, fighting the urge to laugh.

He guided me through the tables toward the dance floor, never letting go of my hand. His touch was so gentle—as if he feared my skin was made of porcelain and would break from the slightest pressure.

"Then I am certain this next song will—"

Prince Calix suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. His eyes examined me attentively as if something was entirely wrong. "That will not do," he muttered.

I didn't understand, but before I could ask what had made him pause, Prince Calix moved behind me, and his fingers effortlessly unhooked the button that kept the cape fastened around my neck.

A Wicked Game [The Crown Saga II] (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now