Race of the Lotus - Part I

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My palms were sweaty — clammy.

Adriel had fixed the collar of my suit, but it still felt as if I was being suffocated by the thickness of the air and the thousands of concerns flooding my mind.

I glanced to my left and noticed Alia peering at me. She didn't seem as tense as I did. Instead, she appeared prepared and confident in the plan. I flashed her a short smile, but she merely returned a nod before turning her head to face the closed doors that separated us from our enthusiastic crowd.

Today was the day of the final trial, and anybody who had been quick enough to snatch a ticket before they sold out was out there — waiting for us.

"Hey, Willow."

Haylee was leaning toward me, her voice so low that I was the only one who could hear her. "You're leaving after this, right? I mean, was that part of your contract?"

I hesitated. "I— It depends on my master and the king, but if all goes well, then yes."

Haylee smiled hopefully. I knew what she wanted, but it wasn't something I could give her.

"I don't want it to look too obvious when you lose. It's not like I want to ruin your reputation, but—"

"I'm sorry, Haylee," I said, looking down to avoid witnessing her disappointed expression. "You seem like a nice person, but—" I paused to bite my lip "—I'm sorry, but I can't let you win."

"What?" she whispered, and although I couldn't see it, I could hear the chaos in her voice. "Why?"

I clenched my fists and squeezed my eyes shut. "It's not about you in particular, but I—"

The doors opened, saving me from the mess of having to explain myself without revealing Alia's plan and hurting Haylee more than necessary.

Light blinded us, and a cheer from the expectant crowd drowned every attempt of communication between the two of us. Haylee would've to beat me if she wanted answers.

"Give it up for Heliac's next queen, everybody!"

Arawn's voice pierced the screams of the audience like an arrow. He wasn't merely presenting one of us; no one knew who would be queen in the end, but the Crown Trials guaranteed that she was among us.

I was forced to step forward when Haylee bitterly bumped into my shoulder as she passed me. She glared back at me with a dangerous spark in her eye. "If you wish for a fight, Wildcard, I'll gladly give it to you."

She continued walking into the light with no intention of waiting for me.

I caught the inside of my cheek between my teeth, ignoring the rising dread in my body as I forced my reluctant feet to follow her. I'd angered Haylee with good reason.

It hadn't been long since I'd last claimed to be looking forward to going home. So, it didn't make much sense that I was still fighting instead of allowing Haylee to continue in the competition.

The previous trials had been about overcoming our own flaws and testing our weaknesses, but today, we would battle each other. If I were strong enough to defeat Haylee, I would be the reason for her elimination.

Four wooden gates blocked our path to the tracks, each engraved with a symbol representing our respective element. It wasn't hard to figure out where Haylee and I were supposed to go.

Earth had been placed on my right while Water was standing to my left. Fire had been directed to the other side of Water, which meant Piper would be between Alia and me during the race. That was good. It meant that we could both keep an eye on her progress.

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