The Crown

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I materialized in the thin air.

"No!" Haylee screamed as my numb fingers wrapped around the lotus flower, separating the golden flower from the nest of leaves that fastened it to the pillar.

A wave of relief washed over me. Piper and Alia had reached their respective lotuses and officially remained part of the Crown Trials. Now I'd ensured that Piper was one step closer to spending the rest of her days standing next to Caiden. All that remained was to get rid of the victorious Earth Manipulator—unless I failed to survive the fall.

Gravity was a foe worse than Tarkan would ever be. I'd drained my body of energy in my attempt to reach this flower, and now, I was paying the price.

I clenched the lotus in my hand with the last strength that remained before I felt my body surrendering to the unforgiving forces of the Heliac's core.

The pillar was as tall as twenty full-grown men. I was likely to break every bone in my body once I collided with the floor, and if I didn't break my neck in the process, I'd be spending weeks, if not months, in the infirmary.

I braced myself for the collision, and the pain was bound to follow, allowing an image of my family to ease the fear, but the pain never came.

Instead, I felt two arms catching me in a warm embrace before the world disappeared, and I felt my body split apart again.

"Willow?" a voice said, the sound resonating like an echo in my ears. "Are you still with us, Willow?"

The scent of old documents and books lingered in my nostrils. I knew who would meet me when I opened my eyes, but my body wouldn't listen to my brain.

"I think... I think three times might be my limit, Art," I whispered. My lungs burned, but Art's rumbling chuckle made the pain worth it.

My tired heart complained as the corner of my mouth bent upward, and I let out a grunt that burned my throat.

"She's alive," Art shouted, removing a hand from my back to signal our position, "but she needs medical attention immediately."

The audience had been quiet since I fell from the pillar, but they seemed to have found their voice again. Cheers and screams permeated the air, indicating that the third trial had ended. Heliac had their four final contenders.

"Lean her forward, Arthur, and hold her still."

A female voice joined us, and I could hear her fiddling with her instruments.

I hardly had time to feel nervous before Art leaned my limp torso across his arm as if I'd been a lifeless doll.

The sound of fabric ripping and fresh air touching my exposed back made my body tense. Then, two icy hands pressed against my skin, sending an agonizing shiver through my body. Seconds passed before the horrifying chill was replaced by the soothing warmth of a healer's touch, calming my body like a mother's lullaby.

"The healers will have you fixed in no time, Willow."

Art's fingers moved a hair away from my eyes as my numb body returned to life.

I sighed, relieved as the ache of teleportation lifted from my shoulders as a heavy burden. My lungs were no longer burning, and I could move without my nerves screaming in agony.

"Take it easy for now, Miss Aldwyn," the healer said, watching me straighten my back without the help of her magical hands. "Accept the help from your fellow suitors and Mr. Pavo but come to me the moment this event is officially over."

I nodded before she picked up her things and walked away.


I looked to my right and barely had time to prepare myself for the overwhelming powers of Piper's embrace before she wrapped her arms around my neck.

A Wicked Game [The Crown Saga II] (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now