Chapter 4

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It's been a week now and today its Friday I'm going home for my so called Lobola negotiations argh I hate my life right now yhoo...never in my life have I ever thought that I'll get married at 25 with a man I don't know nor love and whenever I think about it I just get numb right now my life is messed

That day on the call with Ndalo we talked for hours and she made me feel better like she always does I love that girl kodwa she is my everything....well I know that I haven't been saying anything about my brothers I have been ignoring their calls well I was until they showed up at my doorstep they comforted me and told me I can back out and I told them no

They were pissed but when I told them my reason they calmed down I love my brothers that's the only best gift I got from my parents I had already packed everything now I'm driving to my parents house something that I don't want to do but I have no choice I'm so tired right now I don't feel like working I'm super tired bruh yhoo but I know my mom will treat me like a slave

I arrive at this house and it's busy I must say you would swear that kuza ipresident mntkbw my mom went all out yha makes things happen.I used to cry when thinking about this marriage thing now I just simply chuckle I have accepted it now whatever I face god is with me

I get in and my aunt Nosakhele greets with a bone crushing yet warm hug I missed her a lot

Me:Molo makazi(hello aunt)

Aunt N:Molo Mihle unjanii sanalwam(hey Mihle how are you my child

She calls me Mihle while the other three calls me Yaya

Me:I'm tired aunty I feel like sleeping yazi I was busy with a case at work

Aunty N:ohh mntanam(my child)go sleep in your room I'll make sure nobody disturbs you

Me:are you sure aunt??

Voice:yes she is sure munchkin go rest

I turn and see my other aunt Ayanda now all I can say is all my aunts and uncles from both sides of my parents love me and treat me like their own child I love them at least I have them


I scream jumping on her she just laughs

Aunty A: hey baby...bye baby go sleep before I change my mind

I laugh and run upstairs and sleep as soon as my head hits the pillow


I feel someone shake gently I open my eyes slowly and see it's my aunt Ayanda

Aunty A:get up baby it's time for supper okay

Me:okay aunty thank you

She leaves I brush teeth wash my face and go downstairs...and once again mom and the sisters are glaring at me I just ignore them and seat and I start eating my food since my aunt dished up for me

After we are done eating

Mom:go wash the dishes do something and be useful

I just look at her and get up and start clearing the table I don't have the energy for her

My aunts insist in helping me and I let them we chat and laugh at this moment I'm happy

We all retire to our rooms I recieve a call and it's Ndalo



Me:ha.a that was too loud

We both laugh

Ndalo:come open up for me

Me:open where

Ndalo:egatini sduphunga

Me:tsek tshongo xweba banii isduphunga

I hung up and get up and go open for her and she bought me McDonald's I'm happy we hug and go to my room

Ndalo:I missed you babes

Me:I missed you too mntase

Ndalo:you owe me wena

I give her a confused look I don't know what she's talking about

Me:I owe you what

Ndalo:I missed my elder brother's amalobo negotiations for you

Me:He's getting married ??

Ndalo:yep but I don't know the details I don't even know the girl and where she's from because I was coming here I didn't need other negotiation details

Me:ncoooh wena I like you yaz

I have a problem with opening up to people and telling them how I feel so it's hard for me to tell people I love them so I just show rather than telling them

Ndalo:but I thought I was going to get an I love you this time

She says pouting,she's adorable

Me:you thought wrong but you know I L you

She laughs I join her after

Ndalo:let's sleep I'm tired let's cuddle

She loves to cuddle but doesn't even have a boyfriend...we cuddle and fall asleep I love my bestfriend mna


The following day:Saturday

The day of the negotiations I'm so happy sana(note the sarcasm)everyone is up and down fixing everything especially my mother.....then the time comes and we are called and it's for them to choose their bride and obviously ezizbhanxa chose me.....I feel like crying right now I am someone's wife argh

My parents are happy well they should be because they are getting what they wanted so yeah an hour later they called me to come and dish up for my 'husband' and serve him this is what I hate and didn't sign up for but my aunts beg me to do it the worst part I had to kneel in front of him god why mara yho so I dish up and go serve this bastard I didn't get to see him and I shouldn't even try shit and be rude my parents will be bury me alive....I go there with one of my cousins and I give his food he asks me well actually he demands me to look at him but I don't oblige he says it again this time his voice laced with anger

I tell him he can't demand he has to ask nicely like a decent human being and I'll do so and some of his friends and brothers laugh I can tell he is angry but I give zero fucks so he tells me to leave and I got up and left

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