Chapter 21

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5 months later

I'm so tired and I can't wait to give birth sana yhoo I have 2 more months left I'm huge and I dont like myself now...pregnancy can make you feel insecure yhoo I gained weight my nose is huge I have swollen fit and let's not talk about me not working because of this stupid maternity leave as for Busani babying me all the time it pisses me off sometimes really.....except for me complaining my life is great however I have news.....

I decided to forgive Ndalo but we are not friends even though she expected us to be I don't know how after what she did Buhle and I have gotten so close these past few months and she's amazing

Right now I'm having lunch with Aya,Nandi and Buhle they decided that we should meet up

Aya:so have you thought of names??

Me:nope but I want Busani to name the baby then maybe I'll give him or her a middle name

Buhle:you really didn't want to know the gender

Me:sometimes the scans are wrong and I just want it to be suprise

Nandi:so are you and Busani still getting it on

We laugh I can't believe this girl....

Me:well yes we are mainly because he has been wanting it a lot lately

Aya:as if you don't enjoy

Me:ohhh babes trust me I enjoy it my husband knows his game

Buhle is quiet....

Me:B what's wrong

Buhle:things between me and Simo are not good

Aya:what happend??

Buhle:I cheated


Buhle:yeah I cheated it continued for 5 months and then Simo caught me when he did he hit me and told me he wants a divorce....I have been trying to convince him otherwise I love I don't know what to do anymore at home he told me that he doesn't want a whore as a wife and I'm thinking about the kids because I dont want them to catch on that there's something wrong between us I have been trying to get him to forgive him but it's like my presence repulses him...

By now she was crying and looking I didn't expect this

Me:what led to the cheating...

Buhle:we hadn't had sex in a while and he was always busy with work I felt neglected and when I would try to talk to him about it he would dismiss me

Nandi:I'm so shocked right now

Buhle:I'm even thinking of giving up

Me:has he given you the divorce papers?

Buhle:no he hasn't...

Me:don't give up on your marriage mntase fight for it try by all means to make him forgive and don't try those romantic dinner with won't fix it you need to talk to him and tell him what led to you doing what you did make him see that you are sorry and you want to work on your marriage

Buhle:thank you skwiza I will do as you said I just hope he eventually forgives me

Aya&Nandi:he will!!

Aya:who ever thought that you could give good advices

Me:honey I'm the best

Nandi:when you cheat we will advise you too

Me:babes I wouldn't even dream of cheating Busani would kill andizi sana

Buhle laughs because she knows her brother would do that

Me:when are you going to start dating vele wena Aya

Aya:and who said I'm not dating skwiza

Me:it's either you are dating one of my brothers or one of my brother in laws

Her:you're really smart yaz skwiza because I'm sure these two didn't get it

Buhle:tsek wena

Nandi:don't insult us wena satan

They say simultaneously...I laugh

Me:who is it

She blushes and looks down


Aya:okay...okay it's Smiso

Buhle:my brother really??

Nandi:what's with the Bhengu brothers nam I want a taste

Me:Langa would kill before you get that taste babygirl

Buhle:sisi when did this start

Aya:4 months ago

Us:and you didn't tell us

Aya:I was going to tell you and I'm telling you now

Me:do you love him or is it a fling

Aya:well it started as a fling then feelings were involved so we started dating 4 months ago I won't say I love him but there are feelings that I have for him and vice versa

Me:good thing I will not be the only makoti kwa Bhengu

We laugh......

Aya:Buhle how do you feel about this

Buhle:I'm happy as long as you don't hurt my brother we cool

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