Chapter 28

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Everything is falling apart I don't know what's going on mom said the muthi wouldn't wear off now Busani doesn't even want to see me he is always with his son and that so called wife of his and what Ndalo said is still running through my mind I mean did mom really use muthi on dad and now it's wearing off I'm just starting to think mom is a bad influence on my life my phone rings and it's my mom...

Me:hello ma

Mom:hey baby is everything still good

Me:no ma Busani doesn't want to see me anymore I think the muthi is wearing off

Her:WHAT?!that's not possible

Me:it's possible and it's happening

Her:we should use it again you can't lose Busani to some stupid Xhosa girl

Me:I think it's best if I just back off Busani doesn't love me the muthi will always wear off like it did on ubaba..

Her:what are you talking about??

Me:ma you used umuthi ku baba and now it's wearing off and there's nothing you can do you're such a bad influence how can you advise me to use muthi on a man that doesn't love me just because you want money

Her:hewena ngane you don't know what you're talking about

Me:bye ma

After that I hang up I need to talk to dad and I never saw I eye to eye because he always told me to be humble and not let the money we have blind me but I didn't listen I as always I need to fix my relationship with my father and leave Busani alone


I'm in Lubanzi's bed now doing some paper work even though my body hurts I have waiting for him but he hasn't come back from wherever he is and as if he knows I was thinking about him he walks in I look at him and he looks at me then walks into the bathroom and I hear the shower water running I guess he is taking a shower after a while he comes out the he lotions his body the wears some sweatpants then comes and sits by the edge of the bed by my side

Him:can we talk??

Me:yeah sure...

Him:you really disrespected me Ndalo you went and slept with someone and the  you expect me to just get over it I know we are not in a relationship  I was willing to give us a chance how would you have felt if I did what you did and then when I retaliate you talk to me disrespectfully I know respect is earned however I have been respecting you but you just couldn't do the same for me I would like to apologize for putting my hands on you it was wrong I'm sorry and I think it's best if we just go our separate ways for while and figure out what we both want then when that is done we can start working on us again for now let's just go our separate ways okay???

I thought about what he said very carefully he has a point

Me:I agree with you....well since it's late and I can't drive at this hour how about we just cuddle for the last what do you say??

He gets in bed with me and we switch off the lights then cuddle and just cuddle in a comfortable silence until we fall asleep


Busani has been home a lot lately I'm not complaining though because he is bonding with Nkosi even though I'm a little bit jealous Nkosi doesn't even cry for me anymore he is always around Busani right now I just finished making Nkosi his porridge so that I can feed I got to the living room and he is with Busani they are playing and he's giggling non stop

Me:are you going to be able to feed him or should I??

Busani:I'll feed him baby

I love this man a lot however everything he did is not something I can forget just like that I miss him so much and the fact that he still calls me baby even though he knows that I kinda don't like him right that makes me happy

I give him the porridge and he starts feeding Nkosi and he is doing a good job I must say he is always doing a good job when it comes to Noosi he may not be a good husband to me but he is a great dad to Nkosi....after feeding him Nkosi falls asleep and Busani takes him to his room I go and wash the dish with my glass that had some juice in it

I go upstairs once I'm done and get in bed since the weather isn't so good today I check some emails and as I'm doing so Busani walks in with the baby monitor I wonder what he wants he sits on the bed



Him:I miss you I miss us I really don't know what pushed me into cheating on you with Amanda after I swore I wouldn't I know I have you and I haven't respected you as I should please forgive me MaBhengu I love you so much and I want to prove to you that I want you back and I want you to trust me baby

Me:Busani if I give another chance just know it's the last one do it again I will take my baby and leave trust me will I love you I won't deny that but I know my worth fuck up again then I'm done

He comes closer smiling

Him:does this mean you forgive me mama??

Me:yes I do baba don't make me regret it please

Him:you won't sthandwa sam trust me on that I love you okay

Me:I love you too baby

He kisses me so deep and gets in bed with me

Me:before we have sex I want us to get tested

Him:okay baby if that's what you want we will go are you going to book an appointment or I should do it??

Me:I'll book it baby...

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