Chapter 26

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Today I am meeting up with Bandile and it seems like Scelo is also coming I'm so not looking forward to this meeting I could be with my son right now but no they wanted us to meet well I left Nkosi with Busani he said he wanted them to bond while I'm gone and I'm not worried about him because he knows how to feed Nkosi and change the nappy and he knows he should burp him after drinking the baby milk....

I'm on my phone texting with Buhle things are not good in her marriage I told she should come and visit us and give her husband some time alone and for her to have a little peace of mind....I hope these two are on their way because if not I'm going home sana

Well speaking of the devil they are here they get to where I am and they sit down reluctantly I guess they expected me to stand up and give them a hug well it doesn't work like that sana...

Them:hey sis


Bandile:how are you Yaya

Me:I'm good and you??

Bandile:I'm great...have you ordered

Me:I'd rather not this has to be quick because I left my son at home

Scelo:I didn't know you have a son..

Me:well you would if you were in my life but you're not so you don't know

He looks down defeated and sighs

Bandile:sis we are sorry it's just that we opened a new company and we couldn't afford any distractions

Me:firstly congratulations and when you say you couldn't afford any distractions what do you mean am I distractions now...I never asked you to leave your life because I know it doesn't revolve around me just a phone call or come visit just once in a while to check up on how I was doing but you didn't care I was pregnant with twins and I lost my baby because of Ndalo and Busani's ex you were not there for me you knew that I was going to live with Busani who happened to want nothing to do with me my whole family abandoned me when I needed it the most then you come and tell that you couldn't afford any distractions....can you afford them now??

Scelo:Yaya he didn't mean it like that we fucked up we know and we are sorry please sisi give us another chance to be in your life we miss you please let's make it up to you let us be uncles to our nephew please sthandwa sam

Me:I will forgive you however just know that everything is not going to be how it was before you will have to work hard for this relationship to work

Them:we promise...

Bandile:we will do anything

Scelo:so...when can we meet our nephew

Me:the name is Siphosenkosi but you can call him Nkosi.....look I have to go

I stand up they stand up too I walk up to them awkwardly and give them a hug I bid them goodbye then drive home well that turned out better than I thought it would...


Mom called me and told me the progress on Busani and I'm happy about that Bab'dladla really helped I didn't think Amanda would stop this low some girls are just desperate marniie yho

Right now I'm in my office and I'm just looking over a clients case this us going to be quite a difficult case because the client has no alaby and all the evidence leads to him he allegedly killed his mistress after she told him she's pregnant and she was going to tell the I see it he really did it but it's my job as a lawyer to keep him out of jail even though it's going to be hard with this case he was sloppy on this job he left loose ends and that let people believe he really did it

I hear a commotion outside my office and then my door busts open and guess who it's the one and only witch Amanda I wonder what she wants I let my PA go she closes the door behind her I turn my head and look at Amanda..

Me:hi Ms.Mthethwa how can I help you??

Amanda:don't give me that bullshit Ndalo..

Me:what do you want...

Her:your brother has been ignoring my calls and when I go to his office or house the security doesn't want to let me in he blocked even on social media...

Me:what do you want me to do with that information Amanda

Her:I want you to tell him to call me or come to my house he promised to marry me and leave that stupid bitch Yamihle

Me:I can't assist Amanda please leave

Her:I thought we were friends Ndalo

Me:we are not're such an airhead I thought you were smart where have ever seen a man leave his wife for a sperm dish like you

She looks at me shocked about what I said...however she smirks

Her:my father left his wife for my mother

Me:well your mother is just a bitch as you are and even though your father left his wife for your mother which we both know was due to the muthi your mother used on him he has another family which he is happy with don't you ever wonder why your father is hardly at home....the muthi your mother used is wearing off on your father

She looks shocked,confused and angry

Her:you're lying

Me:stop letting your mother use you....using muthi on man that don't want you will backfire Amanda leave my brother alone or you will regret it now kindly get the fuck out of my office

She slowly walks out of my office clearly processing and thinking about what I just told her she repulses me I can't believe I wanted to be friends with her now look I lost my bestfriend Yaya just sees me as an aunt to her son and just a sister to her husband that's all she doesn't want friendship I regret what I did to her a lot

My phone rings and it's Lubanzi I really don't want to answer it because I messed up and I really feel guilty and I don't know how he will react when he finds out that I slept with one of my colleagues....the phone stops ringing then I receive a message



'If you know what's good for're going to answer your phone Ndaloentle Bhengu'


I gulp god what have I done...he calls and I immediately answer

Me:hey baby

Him:uyafeba then uzongbiza ngo baby(you whore around then you call me baby)

I just let my tears fall..he knows but how??

Me:baby I'm sorry...please forgive m-....

Him:when you knock off at work come straight to my house

Me:Lubanzi I'm so-.....

He hangs up and I let out a sob how did he know I just know I'm in deep shit right now what will I do now???.....

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