Chapter 15

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I asked Mr Ndaba for the day off and since I always do my work and always win my cases he gave me the day off and now I feel kisses all over my face and I know for sure its Busani this guy mara...I slowly open my eyes and he is all dressed up for work and is smiling at me with that gorgeous smile god my husband is so handsome yhuu

Me:morning baby

Him:morning sthandwa sam

Me:are you leaving already?

Him:yes baby but I'll come back early so we can leave I don't want us to arrive late at home Ndalo going to be there??

Him:yes baby she's my sister and family why wouldn't she

I roll my eyes...what was I thinking obviously she will be there

Him:what's happening between you too you hardly talk about her and she also doesn't say much about you

Me:she changed and I haven't spoken to her since we got married

and she has become friends with your ex Amanda


Me:so I guess you haven't seen these...

I say as I show her the Instagram pics of Ndalo and Amanda

Him:dammit Ndalo

Me:well I'm done with her anyway because at the beginning I tried reaching out to her but she ignored my calls and texts I have Nandi and Aya

Him:are you sure because you guys have been friends for years

Me:yes I'm sure sthandwa sam go you are going to be late for work

Him:aiisuka I'm the boss vele

I laugh and he joins we kiss for a while until I tell him to leave but he didn't want to go so I pushed him out to his car I love him I guess my parents did good by marrying off

I start packing our bags and toiletries and when I'm done I clean around the house because the housekeeper MaNkosi didn't feel well and she came to work so I took her back home after taking her to the docter that woman is so kind hearted and a hard worker

Now I've finished cleaning the house and I just took a shower because I 2as sweating like hell when I got done with cleaning the house it's hot outside and this housebig yho I honestly don't know how MaNkosi manages maybe it's me being lazy and now it's 14:15 I'm waiting for Busani he said he is on his way....after a few minutes his car drives in and after that he comes into the house...he walks up to me and gives me a kiss

Me:hey baby go take a shower quickly and we have to leave at 15:40

Him okay baby I'll be quick

He rushes upstairs and takes a shower after a few minutes he comes back looking like a snack I just look at him and stare and drool at how handsome my husband looks

Him:baby uyazi ukuthi ngingowakho yeka ukungi bheka ngathi okokgqibela ungibona(baby you know that I'm yours stop looking at me like it's your last time seeing me)

I blush and look down god why did I stare for so long and he laughs

Me:mxm asambe baby(let's go)

We drive to his homeland Embumbulu two hours later we arrive and people are working going up and dow god I'm ntk in the mood to cook and work rhaa we take our bags and walk into the main house the aunts and my mother in law are there and guess what Ndalo is here with Amanda yhoo ya neh people change she just looks at me..

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