I know her, but do i?

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"Hey pudding! How are you?" My favourite cheery old man asked as he entered the coffee shop

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"Hey pudding! How are you?" My favourite cheery old man asked as he entered the coffee shop.

I sent him a wide grin, "I'm doing good. I get off early today which means-"

Tom cut me off, "which means calling Billie for longer? I love you two!"

I sent Tom a massive smile, "exactly, and tomorrow's Thursday, which means-"

He cut me off again, "breakfast date with me!"

We both laughed out loudly, "yes!" Safe to say I was in a good mood today. Actually, I'd been in a good mood since mine and billies FaceTime date.

I followed Tom to his table, his warm drink in hand. "Two weeks until your birthday! What are your plans?" Tom asked as he got comfortable in his usual chair. We hadn't spoke much about it, we never really do. Instead we ignore it until the last minute, until we can't ignore it anymore.

"A FaceTime birthday meal with Billie, work and pyjamas." I laughed, but I wasn't joking, I didn't want to do anything for my birthday. I never wanted to and i was sticking by that this year.

"I expected that darling! I know that's what you want." Tom patted my back lightly, "I will just pop round with your presents in the morning this year if you like?"

I sent Tom a disappointed frown, "why'd you get me gifts. You don't have to do that."

Tom was having none of it, "don't be silly! You're my granddaughter." I sent Tom a loving smile.

I had to cut the conversation short considering a queue of customers had formed at the till, one of which being Ria, "hey! How are you?" She questioned, her voice quiet.

"I'm ok Ria. Are you good?"

Ria glanced up, giving me an apologetic expression, "I'm sorry I haven't seen you much lately, and I'm sorry I didn't find you after the Addison thing."

I laughed a little, not maliciously we've just never been those types of friends where it's an issue if we don't talk. I handed her a coffee on the house, "go sit down I'll be over in a minute," Ria did as I said, and I quickly got rid of the line of customers.

"Ria, why are you apologising to me? I don't understand."

Ria kept the same expression from earlier, "I go away for months at a time every year, and when I come home I'm supposed to be there for you. I don't want you to think it's like before. I'm not doing what I did last time with you know..."

I knew immediately that Ria was referring to her ex, Alex, "I wasn't even mad at you then though? We didn't talk much, and yes I wanted to see you more but I was never angry with you. At that time I couldn't help you. That was your thing to figure out." I stated, my voice becoming stern.

Ria finally sent me a smile, "because Josh, he's... it's just not like it was before.

I shook my head, "stop. Josh is perfect for you, I'm happy for you and I love you," I reassured my bestfriend, giving her a hug.

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