A special moment

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In the blink of an eye a whole week had passed by

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In the blink of an eye a whole week had passed by. The day after the party was Tom and sals anniversary. Billie and I drove down to his bungalow, flowers and a card in hand. He couldn't believe I remembered. Then the three of us drove down to the cemetery singing along to 'cry to me' by Solomon Burke since that was his and Sals song. It was a wholesome day, we went for some food after Tom had visited Sals stone, then me and Billie spent the rest of the day cuddling on the sofa.

The next few days were spent going for cute coffee dates, visiting Ria, and eating a lot of good food.

That brings us to now. Billie asked me if she can take me on a date tonight. Of course I said yes, it was a cute moment really. She tried to be tough, but instead got all nervous.

"You look seriously beautiful." She spoke as I walked back into the room, biting her lip as she admired me. "Like shit." She dramatically threw her body back on the bed in frustration.

I wore the same outfit that I wore for our first ever date, the FaceTime date. This was our first real date, and it just felt fitting. Billie had the same idea. We got ready in separate rooms, so the fact that we both thought to wear our FaceTime date outfits was a shock. Cute though.

"You look fit." I laughed, throwing my hands over my face in pure disbelief that this girl is mine. "Shut up, you ready?" Billie grabbed my hand motioning me to help her up, "yep!"

With that we locked up and made our way out of the house. Outside our ride was waiting for us. A blacked out Mercedes with a big muscly man driving. "I booked one of those expensive ass cars." She laughed, explaining the situation.

We finally arrived at a breathtaking restaurant. I'd never heard of it before. It was just outside of my town, placed next to a huge lake. The building was entirely made up of glass, and only fairy lights lit up the whole thing. The mixture of the speckled lights and glass created the most beautiful reflections, they bounced off each other perfectly making me feel like I was in a Disney movie.

"How did you even find this place?" I questioned, taking in the scene. "Google's to blame for that." She laughed awkwardly. "It's perfect."

A waitress took us over to a table located in the corner, I don't know if Billie had anything to do with it but we somehow bagged the best view of the lake. Billie pulled out my chair for me, she isn't a hopeless romantic, but her actions tonight were proving otherwise.

"I can't believe it's been a week already..." Billie sighed. "We still have three to go though." I attempted to make her feel better, but I think secretly I was comforting myself. "I know angel."

We scanned the menus that stood upright on the table and each chose what we wanted to eat, it wasn't long before the waitress took our orders and disappeared again to tell the kitchen.

"I'm obsessed with you." She rested her chin on her hands, her elbows being her only support. I felt my cheeks flush red, even though she comes out with this shit all the time, and I'm with her twenty four seven, she still makes me blush. "You're cute." I replied, and her face dropped. "Im not soft." I rolled my eyes, "pfft, so you're a tough guy?" I questioned, but she didn't answer, instead she began making a beat with her mouth, and throwing some words together to create a chorus. "You just inspired me." She winked. I couldn't help but drop my jaw in awe. "Impressive."

The waitress returned, placing our meals in front of us. "Have a good date girls." She smiled down at us, sending us an accepting look. I love people like that.

We thanked her then returned to talking. "You missing Finneas?" I questioned and she nodded sadly, "but what's shit is that no matter where I am I'll always miss one of you." I felt a slight pain take over my heart. She's so right. I can't move my family to LA, and she can't move hers here. "So, I miss him, but it's ok because I'm with you. One day it'll be flipped, and I don't want to feel like I spent too long thinking of Fin instead of taking in every second I get with you. You get me?" I smiled at her understandably, "I get you."

We finished up our meal, Billie paid for everything. I told her she didn't have to since it was a lot but she insisted. She stood tall and held her hand out for me to grab. Sometimes, her being so loving in public throws me. Addi was never like that. It felt good knowing she wasn't embarrassed. Billie was proud of me, her actions showed that clearly. "Come on." She giggled, snapping me out of my thoughts.

We made our way through the twinkling lights until we reached the exit, she led the both of us to the side of the glass building where the lake sat. The only way I could describe the view was magical.

The lake was sky-line silver with glimmering specs of gold throughout, all thanks to the yellow toned fairy lights. The water was ruffled by the slight breeze in the air, making the colours twinkle on the surface. The sun was long gone, and the moon was no where in sight, but the stars played their part in lighting the sky. Although we were in public, the only noise to be heard was the water. This moment felt like a special one.

As I started to realise that we weren't here just for the views I turned to look at Billie who was already staring at me, a huge smile on her face. She stood a few feet apart from me and the scene caused us both to laugh nervously.

"I don't tell you I love you out of habit Reese." She paused, taking a small step closer to me. The wind blew her hair out of her face ever so slightly, as if it were a paid actor. "It's not a word I use lightly." Another step closer, "I tell you I love you because you make me feel something that I've never felt before. It's a feeling so strong that it makes my stomach feel all fluttery..." she paused as she scratched her head, "butterflies?" I chuckled, "yes, I get butterflies." She smiled before she carried on, "it's a feeling so strong that it scares me. I'm terrified of this feeling. It's so strong that it makes me want to cry, and I'm no bitch." She laughed, "it's so strong that I never want it to slip through my fingers."

She took a couple more steps forward, I remained silent. "It's a feeling that no one else has ever given me, and I knew from the second I saw your sleepy face that I wanted you. I'd never even thought about a girl before, but there was no questioning, I knew I wanted you in that way." She took a deep breath. "I know I want you to be mine, and I know I never want to let you go, no matter how far apart we are." She finally relaxed her shoulders, "Im trying to say I want you to be my girlfriend... will you be my girlfriend?"

At this point happy tears were streaming down my face. I'd never experienced anything so fairytale like. I swear I was living in an award winning romance movie. "I thought you'd never ask. Yes, I'll be your girlfriend."

Suddenly we were so close that she had her arms wrapped around my waist, mine around her neck. It was only a matter of seconds until her lips crashed into mine. I felt her hands trace up and down my back, her nails digging into me as her tongue parted my lips to enter my mouth. The night was cold, but I swear I'd never felt so hot. Her hands moved up to my hair, tugging on it as she bit my bottom lip a lot harder than usual. I tightened my grip on the back of her neck causing her to moan slightly, she couldn't help but smile into the kiss as she realised she was turning me on.

"You're mine now." She whispered sternly as she pulled away. "Is that so?" I smirked. Billie rolled her eyes, "yes is is, angel."

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