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I woke up the next morning unsure whether it was all a dream

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I woke up the next morning unsure whether it was all a dream. It felt like I'd imagined the whole thing. That too good to be true feeling, you know?

Even though I could see her face next to me, peacefully sleeping, I still couldn't believe my eyes. What if it is a dream, and what if I'm still dreaming?

Im not dreaming though. I know I'm not. She's there. I can feel the warmth of her body, I can hear her quiet breaths.

Pushing my doubts aside I decided to have a scroll though Instagram. Before Billie started liking and commenting on my posts I had roughly ten thousand followers, I'm now on forty, and I get more each day.

Most of them silently watch me, no interaction, just watch me. I assume those ones only follow me to see if they can figure out whether me and Billie are a thing, better than sending me hate I suppose. Then there's a small percentage of them that comment the cutest words under my photos, and like everything that I post, they're just so sweet to me. I don't stop myself from reading what they say since I haven't had a bad one yet.

I spent the next hour replying to billies fans. I don't follow them back, but only because I barely follow my friends own friends back. Nothing personal. They always get so excited when they get the notification that I've responded, I think probably because it's becoming impossible for Billie to on her own account, I'm their next best thing.

Eventually Billies eyes began fluttering open, small groans escaping her lips every few seconds. I couldn't help but wonder how someone looks that good in the morning.

"Are you real?" She rasped. I've heard her morning voice many times, but it sounded so much sexier in person. "I'm real, are you though?" We both laughed understanding each other's shock.

She turned her body to face me, the arm she wasn't lying on landing gently over my stomach. "I could fucking get used to this." Her free leg wrapped around my waist and naturally I pulled her closer, squeezing her as tightly as I could.

Have you ever had a moment in life where it feels as if you've pressed a pause button? Like the rush of everything had been leading up to a certain point in time. All of the stress of everyday situations, all of the laughs and the tears, you were working through them all to get to that moment, and when you get there you physically feel it all stop. No more noise, no more movement surrounding you, just you and your moment. This was mine.

"So," she paused as she lifted her head to face me, "what are we doing today?" I tapped my forehead dramatically as I began thinking up some ideas. "I kind of want to spend the day just us. We could go on a road trip?" She sent me an excited nod in response.

With that we both jumped in the shower, Billie in my en-suite and me in the family bathroom. I got dressed in the bathroom just incase she wasn't comfortable changing in front of each other yet.

When we met in my bedroom again I dried her hair and styled it some up some down since that was my favourite. She dried mine, leaving it to fall into place on its own at my request. Then I helped her sort through her bags, and suitcase. We hung her clothing up in my wardrobe, it made sense to since she'd be here for a while. Neither of us wanted to wear makeup, so straight out the door it was. I suggested breakfast at the cafe before we got on the road, and Billie instantly agreed.

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