Last meal

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Three days of happiness left Reese, that's all you've got - the first thought that popped into my head as I fluttered my sleepy eyes open

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Three days of happiness left Reese, that's all you've got - the first thought that popped into my head as I fluttered my sleepy eyes open.

"Morning pretty, how did you sleep?" Billie asked from next to me, she's usually awake before I am - the girl never sleeps.

I groaned a little as my arms involuntary stretched out, "I slept good... I think, how about you?"

"Shitty, I slept maybe an hour," she laughed, but she definitely didn't find it funny.

I sent her a smirk, "at least it's more than usual."

Billie leant over me and began tickling me, we're near enough the same size though so it didn't take long for me to straddle her.

"Say sorry!" I pushed out my bottom lip.

Billie hates me ordering her to do anything - it enrages her and I know that. She quickly flipped me over, her whole body now pinning mine down, "who do you think you are?" She smirked, whoops.


Ria finally plucked up the courage yesterday to tell Josh she's leaving - safe to say he wasn't happy that she hid it from him for so long. I guess I understood Josh's point of view, if she hadn't told me I'd be livid too. She didn't mean it maliciously, she just didn't want to hurt him.

Today is the day that we have our 'last meal' with Ria and Josh. It isn't just the last time we'd be sat around the table with Billie though, Ria leaves in five days so it's our last with her too. Bets on me crying?

Anyway, since we were only going out for dinner later on Billie and I had the whole day free. Yesterday we did nothing, nothing at all. It was by choice of course, we wanted one last day of complete sofa bound cuddles before she goes.

Today though, we were feeling a little spontaneous. No, I take that back. We were feeling very fucking spontaneous. I came up with the ballsy idea to drive down to the Lake District and take a dip in the tongue pot pools - basically the clearest most beautiful pools I've ever seen. Ria and I used to go swimming in them during summer - it is not summer anymore.

Billie immediately agreed to my idea, just like me she loves crazy shit. We loaded up the car with towels, blankets and spare clothes before climbing in ourselves.

The drive there was a couple hours long, and in true Billie-Reese style we belted out the tunes the whole way. The weather was definitely on our side today too. Slightly cooler, but completely dry.

I pulled up at the carpark, "you ready?" I turned to face her, a huge smile painted across my face. This was my kind of activity, no dark woods, no scary shit, just the adrenaline rush that you feel when you hit the water. Billie sent me an excited nod, "I'm so ready."

After a short, laughter filled walk to the pools we'd finally arrived. Billie was in awe of the view. The water was crystal clear, and the sun had made an appearance - not quite warming up the air but still shining. It created little specks of gold on the surface which I was thankful for because I wanted Billie to see the pools in all their glory. The grass around us was still a neon green from summer, and the rocks surrounding the water looked a brighter shade of stone than they would've done on a gloomier day.

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