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The following day I knew I had to come face to face with Tom, alone

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The following day I knew I had to come face to face with Tom, alone. Billie knew that too. This was one of those things that as much as I wished she could, she couldn't help me with.

Luckily I had the worlds best friends. I didn't need to tell them what was happening, they just knew I had something to deal with and offered to take Billie out for lunch whilst I was busy.

Ria picked Billie up from my house, and then I took a taxi to Tom's since my car was still parked around the corner from his house. I could've walked, but I was afraid that if I had control over my route I wouldn't make it there.

I thanked the driver, handed him a ten and climbed out. Tom was sat on his front porch swing reading a book, he wore a long brown coat and a matching cap. Adorable. The weather wasn't amazing, but it was dry so he was clearly taking full advantage of that.

I guess my footsteps were audible enough to catch the old mans attention, "oh Reese! What a wonderful surprise." He placed a bookmark in-between the pages and set the book down next to him before standing up and opening his arms widely.

I pulled my hands from my pockets and fell into his embrace, hugging him tighter than ever before. "Hello, Mr.Webb."

"What are you doing here? Please, come inside for a warm drink!" I nodded in agreement and followed him through. The heat from his small bungalow hit me along with the scent of freshly baked brownies - a somewhat sentimental feeling.

"I need to talk to you..." I smiled, trying to keep the atmosphere light.

"Ok love. I have the new pumpkin flavoured coffee syrup, would you like to try?" He held up a glass bottle excitedly.

I couldn't stop my heart from melting at his giddiness, "oh, yes please!"

Tom proceeded to make us both a coffee. Instrumental music played on the old radio that sat on the kitchen side, which I was thankful for because it hid the sound of my heavy breathing.

"So..." he placed both hot drinks down on the table then sat opposite me, "what do you want to talk about cherub?"

Compose yourself Reese. You got this.

"Tom..." I sighed, my brain began putting sentences together and I analysed them trying to find the best one. "You went to the doctors the other week..."

Tom's expression straightened, he looked as if he'd been caught out. "You know?.."


I cleared my throat, "hold up... you know?"

Tom nodded in admittance, "of course I know Reese."

"But... you didn't say anything?" As much as I tried, I couldn't clear the confusion from my voice.

Tom took a sip of his caffeine, "it's only in the early stages. I didn't want to scare anyone."

I truly thought he'd just forgotten that he'd been diagnosed... The doctor told me that's what could've happened. Come to think of it, maybe Dr.Moss was coming up with an excuse for Tom. Surely it's too early to forget something so big?

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